Past Events
Past activities and albums of 2013 – 2025 are listed at the end in reverse sequence.
Thursday 09/01/2025
The first meeting for 2025 started with the welcome address by the president. The program commenced with Hindu devotional song by Mr. Sathiyaseelan and Christian devotional song by Mr. Rodrigo. Mr. Mahalingam presented and delighted the audience with several “Tamil Pannisai” songs for one hour with Karaoke music followed by devotional songs by Mrs. Keetha Ratnaseelan and Mrs. Vasuki Mahadevan. Mr. Panchadcharam and Mr. Ravichandran spoke remembering Mr. Mathanagopalan in whose memory Mrs. Mathanagopalan sponsored the Fellowship Lunch. Days program concluded with a vote of thanks by the President.
Thursday, January 16, 2025 – Thai Pongal Celebration
Thai Pongal Celebration kicked off with a warm welcome speech by President Mr. A. Perumynar. Dr. Sivarathy Ketheeswaran delivered a captivating musical performance on the theme of Pongal, featuring songs composed by Dr. Bharathy. Following the performance, Mr. Thirunanthakumar gave an insightful talk on the topic “தமிழர் திருநாள் பொங்கல்,” which was highly appreciated by the audience. The event’s lunch was generously sponsored by TSCA, and the event concluded with a vote of thanks by Secretary Mr. Karunasaladeva.
Thursday, January 23, 2025 – Isai Arangam
The Isai Arangam event began with a warm welcome speech by President Mr. A. Perumynar. Eighteen talented members participated, each performing a song of their choice, which was met with great appreciation from the audience. The performances were truly outstanding. The event’s lunch was generously sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Mahalingam. The Isai Arangam concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Secretary Mr. Karunasaladeva.
Thursday, 30th January 2025 – Member’s Day
On Member’s Day, our President, Mr. A. Perumynar, delivered a warm welcome speech to kick off the event. The highlight of the day was a workshop titled “I AM DIGITALLY SAVVY,” led by Mr. Jagvir Singh from Lead Connect. Members gained valuable insights into using smartphones and tablets, with a focus on online safety, including protecting themselves from scams, spam, and online predators. The session also covered how to identify common online threats and ways to safeguard personal information. The event was made even more special with a generous lunch sponsorship from LEAD CONNECT Ltd. To close the day, our Secretary, Mr. Karunasaladeva, expressed heartfelt thanks to all attendees and speakers for their contributions.
Thursday, 6th February 2025 – Isai Arangam
The Isai Arangam event began with a warm welcome speech by President Mr. A. Perumynar. Twenty talented members participated, each performing a song of their choice, which was met with great appreciation from the audience. The performances were truly outstanding. The event’s lunch was generously sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Sivarasa, Mr. R. Ratnakumar, Mr. Murugesu and Mr. Sivagnanasundaram. The Isai Arangam concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Secretary Mr. Karunasaladeva.
Thursday 11/01/2024
Isai Arangam – 17 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Padma Thangarajah, Mrs Raniratnam Kugathasan and Mrs Manonmany Krishnasamy. The meeting was presided by the Vice President Mr Perumynar in the absence of Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 18/01/2024
Thai Pongal Celebration – Dr Mrs Sivarathy Ketheeswaran gave an excellent musical performance on Pongal theme and other topics. Some of those songs were set to music by her. Mrs Kanthimathi Thinakaran gave an informative talk on the topic “உலகெங்கும் பொங்கல்”. She touched on various topics related to Tamil culture and diaspora. Both the performances were very much enjoyed by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by TSCA. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 25/01/2024
Iyal Arangam – The Strathfield Council community development officer Ms Bharvi Bhatt-Burgess addressed the members. It was a meet & greet session. She was keen to explore the ways the Council & Tamil Seniors Association could work together to benefit both. This was followed by a lively discussion. Mr Elango gave a talk on “சிலப்பதிகாரம்”. He explained the Silapathikaram story up to “இந்திர விழா ஊர் எடுத்த காதை ” and detailed the information supplied by “இளங்கோ அடிகள்” through which one could understand the life and prosperity of the Tamils 2000 years ago. Mr Sittampalam Subenthiran re-enacted KS Balachander’s famous comedy drama “அண்ணைறைற்”. This was very much enjoyed by everyone. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Karunakaran and the TSCA Lunch Fund. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 01/02/2024
Isai Arangam – 13 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Thirunavukkarasu (of Ryde) and Mrs Vasugi Mahadevan. The meeting was presided by the Vice President Mr Perumynar. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 08/02/2024
Iyal Arangam – “Thadam” (தடம்) organisation conducted an awareness workshop on “Anxiety and Depression” followed by Q & A and group discussion / case study. Workshop was conducted by Poonkulali Govindarajah and Rohini Vimalarajah, assisted by few others. Everyone
enthusiastically participated in the workshop. Lunch was sponsored by Mr A Dharmarajah, Mr Kunaseelan, Mr Karunalayan and Mr Perumynar. Meeting was presided by Mr Perumynar. Vote of thanks too was delivered by Mr Perumynar.
Thursday 15/02/2024
Iyal / Isai Arangam – Dr Ganeshalingham gave a video presentation and explanation on the topic “Dance Performance in Movies by Natiya Peroli Padmini” (“திரைப்படங்களில் நாட்டிட் ய பேரொளி பத்மினியின் நடனங்கள்”). He presented 16 dances from various movies from various languages (Tamil, Hindi & Russian too). This presentation was very much appreciated and enjoyed by the audience. Kavitha, the tour operator gave a short presentation on the services offered by her and the forthcoming tours. Lunch was sponsored by Dr Ganeshalingham, Mr Manickarajah and Lunch Fund. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 22/02/2024
Arts & Crafts Day – Arts & Crafts was reinitiated after a long break due to Covid and other reasons. Lots of ladies enthusiastically participated in knitting and rest of the people were participating in mutual conversation and indoor games. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Dr Kailainathan. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 29/02/2024
Paddukkup Paddu – This special programme was very ably conducted by Mr N Raguram, assisted by Harishna Selvavinayagam. Raguram started the programme with the rendition of beautiful songs by himself, Harishna and Gnana Asokan. Twelve singers enthusiastically participated. They were divided into two (2) teams and the teams competed against each other. It was very much enjoyed by the participants and the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Dr Paul Mauel to celebrate his son’s marriage. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 07/03/2024
Annual outdoor games was held at Airey Park. Events started at 10:00 AM. The events were book balancing, lime & spoon race, 50m race (men), musical walk, 25m race (women) and open relay. 17 people participated, most of them in multiple events. The events were watched by nearly 50 spectators and everyone enjoyed. Lunch was sponsored by TSCA. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 14/03/2024
Bensoc AGM. No TSCA activities.
Thursday 21/03/2024
Easter Celebration – The whole event was organised and managed by Dr Mrs Nithi Sivathondan. Bible reading was performed by Mr Manickarajah. Prayer, sermon and benediction were performed by Bro Prasanna Kumar. Songs ,of Easter message, were sung by few TSCA members. This was a memorable performance and was appreciated by everyone. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Dr Sivathondan. Mr Manickarajah & the Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 28/03/2024
Annual cricket match and Prize Giving – 14 players participated in the cricket match and the match was watched by nearly 50 members. Everyone enjoyed. The whole tournament (both outdoor and indoor was running for nearly 6 months (October – March) with the participation of 60 members. Prize giving ceremony was held after the cricket game. Prize giving was graced by Strathfield Councillor Mr Raj Datta and Dr Bala. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 04/04/2024
Isai Arangam – 14 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Some of them sang more than one song. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Dr & Mrs Dr Kugathasan. The meeting was presided by the President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 11/04/2024
Arts & Crafts Day – No one participated in any craft but many members participated in mutual conversation and indoor games. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Ragavan in memory of his uncle Mr Navaratnavel. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 18/04/2024
Chiththirai New Year Celebration – Ms Sounthary Ganeshan performed the famous “Kaaththaan Kooththu story in musical format (“காத்தவராயன் கூத்துத் கதை யை பாட்டுட் வடிவில் சொன்னார்”). She explained the characters in that story ர் . Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan beautifully sang a few carnatic songs. Both performances were very much appreciated by the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Mahalingam and Mr Sritharan, son of Mr Kanesarajah in memory Mrs Mahalingam’s brother Mr Kanesarajah. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 25/04/2024
ANZAC holiday. No TSCA activities.
Thursday 02/05/2024
Isai Arangam – 18 members participated and sang songs of their choice. There was a duet performance too. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Ponmailainathan to celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary. The meeting was presided by the President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 09/05/2024
Iyal / Isai Arangam – Dr Ganeshalingham gave a video presentation and explanation on the topic “Dance Performance in Movies by Natiya Peroli Padmini” – Part 2 (“திரைப்படங்களில் நாட்டிட் ய பேரொளி பத்மினியின் நடனங்கள்”). He presented 18 dances and songs from various movies from various languages. This presentation was captivating and very much appreciated and was very much enjoyed by the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Sivasooriyar and Mrs Kandasamy to commemorate their late mothers on சித்திரை பௌர்ணர் மி. The meeting was presided by the President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 16/05/2024
Arts & Crafts Day – Family of Mr & Mrs Tharmapalan joined the seniors to commemorate the life of Mr Shanmugam Tharmapalan who passed away few months ago. The family and the president spoke about Mr Tharmapalan. Lunch was sponsored by the family of Mr Tharmapalan. Mr Bala Vigneswaran of Thayagam Radio gave a presentation about their upcoming event (2nd June 2024) Thayagam Tamil Maalai. No one participated in any crafts but many members participated in mutual conversation and indoor games. The meeting was presided by the President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 23/05/2024
Fellowship Day – This is celebrated as fellowship day (தோழமை தினம்) where members gave variety of programmes – their experiences and songs. Ms Sally Sitou, MP for the federal electorate of Reid and her electoral officer Maryanne addressed the members. They detailed their achievement/contributions to the society so far and what they could do for us. Daughter of late Mrs Indrani Satkunananda Dr Shanthini joined the members to commemorate the life of her mother. Mrs Satkunananda served in the committees of both TSCA and BENSOC. The president and others spoke about Mrs Satkunananda and her contribution to TSCA & BENSOC. The lunch was sponsored by Dr Shanthini. The meeting was presided by the President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 30/05/2024
Women’s Day – This is celebrated as both members’ day and women’s day. The whole programme was managed and performed entirely by the lady members. Women day songs (மங்கை யர் தின பாடல்கள்) were sung by Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan. There was a serious & comedy conversation (உரையாடல்) by Dr Mrs Sivathondan, Mrs Saro Suntheralingam and Mrs Vasugi Mahadevan on the topic “மனிதன் எங்கிருந்து வந்தான்”. A musical programme (இசை ச் சித்திரம்) by Mrs Elizabeth Rodrigo, Mrs Moira Phillips and Mrs Arunthathy Jeyaseelan. A comedy dance /song programme Samayalo Samayal “சமயலோ சமையல்” by Mrs Ranjini Gunasingam, Mrs Niranjani Naguleswaran, Mrs Vasugi Mahadevan, Mrs Nirmala Selvanathan, Mrs Lalitha Devadas, Mrs Manonmany Krishnasamy, Mrs Suriyakala Sathiyasingan, Mrs Lalitha Devendra, Mrs Kannamma Paramasivam and Mrs Padmini Thavapalakulasingam. A short speech by Mrs Suriyakala Sathyasingan. A dance by Mrs Sarojini Nallanthuwan. Mrs Kalaiarasi Chinniah was the chief guest and gave a beautiful and comprehensive summary of the programme. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Sivathondan, Mr N Rajanayagam, Mr Charles Dickens and Lunch fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting and delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 06/06/2024
Isai Arangam – 18 members participated and sang songs of their choice. There was a duet performance too. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Mahalingam and Mr Neville Thiru. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 13/06/2024
Iyal Arangam – Mr Panchadcharam gave a talk on the subject “இந்தியப் பயணமும் பாரம்பரிய சிறு தானிய சைவ உணவும்” with a PowerPoint presentation of his Indian trip and explained the virtues / nutritional benefits of Millet Vegetarian Food. This was very useful information and was enjoyed by the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Mrs Kannamah Paramasivam in celebration of her 80th birthday. The President
Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting and delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 20/06/2024
Arts & Crafts Day – Lot of ladies enthusiastically participated in knitting and rest of the people were engaged in mutual conversation and indoor games. The mini games were in progression. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Santhirasegaram, Mr Devendra and Mr Radhakrishnan. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting and delivered the vote of thanks.
Saturday 22/06/2024
Grandchildren’s Day was celebrated at Carrington Church Hall. President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the event. Jason Li the MP for Strathfield was the guest of honour and Mr Samy Pasupati was the chief guest. Theshini Ketheswaran & Anikah Sanan MCed the events. Many grandchildren participated and performed. The past presidents of TSCA Mr Samy Pasupati, Mr S Suntheralingam, Mrs P Thangarajah, Mr A Sivathondan and Mr P Panchadcharam were honoured. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 27/06/2024
Members Day – Mr Bala Thirunavukkarasu sang “பண்ணிசை ப் பாடல்கள்”. He sang lot of songs from “திருமுறைகள்”. This was very much enjoyed by everyone present. Lunch was sponsored by Mrs Nirmala Selvanathan in memory of her son. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting and delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 04/07/2024
Isai Arangam – 13 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Sivasothy in memeory of their son. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting and delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 11/07/2024
Iyal Arangam – Mr Thiru Arumugam gave a talk on the topic “A Tale of Two Bridges: On the River Kwai in Thailand & On the River Kelani in Ceylon”. This is based on the Japanese building of the bridge on the River Kwai and the shooting of the movie “The Bridge on the River Kwai” in Sri Lanka. The talk was well researched and very informative. This was much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Arumuganathan, Mr Robert Anandarajah & Mr Nadarajah. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam presided the meeting. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 18/07/2024
Iyal Arangam – Vitality Club, a provider of Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care package service under My Aged Care scheme, presented an Education / Information session on the services available and how they can help the seniors. This was a very informative session. This was followed by lively discussion. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Rukmani Thirunavukkarasu, Mrs Bala Ariyanayagam and Mr Kalvalai Seyon. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 25/07/2024
Men’s Day (ஆடவர் தினம்) & Members Day – The programme was a combination of “இயல், இசை , நாடகம்”. Mrs Gnana Kulendran was the chief guest The president Mrs Saro Suntheralingam started the proceedings. Mr Manicckarajah conducted the programme. The secretary Mr Elango introduced the chief guest and explained the theme of the day’s programme. The day’s programmes were (1) இசை யும் கதை யும் by Mr Chandrapavan, (2) காத்தவராயன் கூத்துத் participated by Mr Rodrigo, Mr Elango, Mr Devendra, Mr Chandrapavan and Mr Mahalingam (3) நகை ச்சுச் வை உரையாடல் by Mr Pirabakharan and Mr Shanmugan (4) ஓரங்க நகை ச்சுச் வை நாடகம் by Mr Suntheralingam (5) பாட்டுட் ம் ஆட்டட் மும் by Mr Mahalingam. The chief guest summed up the day’s programme (நயப்புரை). The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Naguleswaran. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 01/08/2024
Isai Arangam – 13 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Thangarajah in memory of his wife Mrs Jeyarani Thangarajah. The family of Mr Thangarajah joined in the event and the eldest daughter spoke about her mother. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 08/08/2024
Iyal Arangam – Representatives from Auburn Police – Senior Constable James Dickson and Multicultural Community Liaison Officer Ms Moon Luo – gave a talk on the topics (1) How to be safe (2) How to report the incidents to the police (3) Scams and how to avoid being scammed. This was very informative and relevant to the audience. This was followed by lively discussion. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Kala Sivarajah and the Lunch Fund. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 15/08/2024
Arts & Crafts Day – Many members came forward and detailed various food recipes, and shared their life and work experiences and the recipe for peaceful life etc. There were lot of interactions between the audience and the speakers. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Raviraj in memory of Mrs Raviraj’s mother’s 1st anniversary (ஆட்டட் த் திவசம்). Meeting was presided by Mr Perumynar. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote
of thanks.
Thursday 22/08/2024
Fellowship Day – Many members came forward and sang various songs which were much enjoyed. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Chandrapavan & Mr Ratnasabapathy Ratnakumar. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 29/08/2024
Member’s Day – Mrs Thevakie Karunagaran was honoured for her writings and her short stories were reviewed by Sounthary and the review was read by Mrs Saro Suntheralingam. Many of her short stories are well received and she had received numerous prizes and have been published in popular foreign journals. She had done good service to TSCA writing dramas for us, training the actors and staging them. This was followed by Mr Paul Manuel, who continued with his series “Kathai Pirantha Kathai – Part 4”. This was about Nagesh & and a murder in his family. After that Mr Ponniah Elango elaborated on this. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Suntheralingam and Dr & Mrs Karunagaran. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of Thanks.
Thursday 05/09/2024
Isai Arangam – 13 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. Mr Matthew Blackmore addressed the audience about the forthcoming Strathfield Council election. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Vijayakumar & Mrs Premini Vijayakumar. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 12/09/2024
Fellowship Day – Many members came forward and sang various songs and narrated jokes which were much enjoyed. 2024 Uravu magazine was distributed. The nominations for 2024/2025 Management Committee were opened by the returning officer. Lunch was sponsored by Dr K Kugathasan & Mr Dr T Kugathasan. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 19/09/2024
Constructive review of the happenings at TSCA during the year 2023 / 2024. Many suggestions were given. Most of them about how to improve the running of TSCA. Few have been accepted for further consideration. One of them was suggestion to organise trips once in 3 months. Lunch was sponsored by Mr P Ponniah, Mr Naganathan, Mrs Suriyakala Sathyasingan and Mr Shanmuganathan. The secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 26/09/2024
The 2024 AGM of TSCA was held at Bates Street Community Centre (where we meet every week) located at Homebush West. Meeting was attended by ???? members which satisfied the quorum. Meeting started with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the Past-Presidents of TSCA Mr Samy Pasupati, Mr Shiva Pasupati, Mr Santhiran, Mr Suntheralingam, Mrs Padma Thangarajah, Mr Sivathondan and Mr Panchadcharam. The Minutes of the 2023 AGM, Annual Report and the Audited Financial Report were tabled, discussed and duly accepted by the General Body. A new Management Committee was elected for the year 2024/2025. The meeting ended with lunch.
Thursday 03/10/2024
Iyal Arangam – Dr Sokkalingam Ilakkuvanaar from New Zealand gave a talk on the topic “Makakavi Bharathi & Shelley” “மகாகவி பாரதியும் ஷெல்லி யும்”. He compared the poems of Shelly and Bharathi and Shelley’s influence on Bharathi’s poems. This was followed by lively discussion. This talk was very much appreciated. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Logenthiran. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 10/10/2024
Iyal Arangam – Meet & greet Strathfield Councillor Rory, Strathfield MP Jason Li and Maryanne Duggan. They were introduced by the President. They detailed what is happening in the political scene and spoke about their respective visions for the electorate and municipality. These talks were very informative and were followed by lively discussions / Q&A from the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Ms Maryanne, Mrs Karen Pensabane and Mr Jason Li. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 17/10/2024
Navarathiri was celebrated on this day. The Navarathiri Pooja was conducted by Mr Radhakrishnan. Panchapuranam was sung by Mr Panchadcharam, Sakala Kala Valli Maalai was sung by Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan. Additional devotional songs were sung by various members. Mrs Balam Lakshmanan was invited as the guest speaker and she spoke on the “Significance of Navaraththiri” “நவராத்திரியின் மகிமைகள்”. The whole programme was appreciated by the members. Lunch/Prasatham was sponsored by TSCA. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 24/10/2024
Mr Panchadcharam delivered part 7 of his “ My visit to India, things I saw and others should see” “இந்தியப் பயணம் பார்த்ததும் பார்க்க வேண்டியதும் – பகுதி 7”. His theme was “Worship of the Temple that gives long life and lasting marriage”. This refers to Amirthakadeswarar Temple, Thirukkadaiyur (திருக்கடையூர் அமிர்தகடேசுவரர் கோயில்). The talk was very informative and enjoyed by everyone. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Panchadcharam & Mrs Sarojini Nallanthuvan. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 07/11/2024
Deepavali Celebration – Innisai Virunthu by Dr R Rajayogan, Dr Gowribalan and Mrs Barathi Krishnamoorthy of “Sydney Geethasagara” music group. They together sang 17 Golden Tamil songs. Everyone enjoyed the high quality of their singing. Mrs Barathi Krishnamoorthy’s ability to sing in both female and male voice and the ease with which she could change the voice without missing a beat was very much appreciated. The lunch was sponsored by the children of Mr & Mrs Arunachalam in memory of their parents. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 14/11/ 2024
Isai Arangam – 14 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their choice of songs and performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. Mr Sivasooriyar played the keyboard and also sang. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Amirthalingam, Mr Thambirajah, Mr Paskaranathan, Mr Poobaratnam and Mr Sivasothy. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 21/11/2024
Iyal Arangam – Mr Sivasambu Brabaakaran of “Boost Care” made a presentation on “Changes to Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and Home Care Package (HCP)” and how to access it. He detailed the main changes coming into effect soon. This is very relevant to our members and were very much appreciated. A lively discussion followed. Lunch was sponsored by Mrs Kangambikai Jeganathan and Mrs Rani Vijayaratnam. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 28/11/2024
Members Day – This was followed by a lively discussion. Mr Elango gave a talk on “சிலப்பதிகாரம் – கானல் வரி” “Silapathikaram – Kaanal Vari”. He summarised the Silapathikaram story up to கடலாடு காதை and then detailed the information supplied by “இளங்கோ அடிகள்” in “கானல் வரி”, mainly the instrument “yazh – யாழ்” and various musical forms existed during his time. Through this, one could understand the music and art of the Tamils 2000 years ago. Musicologist Prof Mr N Mammathu who is an expert on Tamil Isai is attending the Silapathikara Vizah organised by “Sydney Ilakkiya Kalai Manram”. He gave a brief description of music in Silapathikaram and how ancient Tamil music is well documented in it. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Elango, Mrs Manonmany Krishnasamy and Mr Karunasaladeva. Ramakrishnan (Krishna) who delivers lunch to us donated 100 rotis and curries. The Secretary, Mr Karunasaladeva, delivered the vote of thanks.
Isai Arangam – 15 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Mr. Ragavan Ramanathan son of the former late president is president of similar Tamil Seniors Association in Brampton, Canada, and shared his experience with their experience. Mrs Saro Nalanthuvan briefed some of our members’ cruise ship experience to Hobart. The lunch was sponsored by Lunch Sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Ponmylainathan.
Christmas Carol Service – This event was organised and managed by Dr (Mrs) Nithi Sivathondan. This was attended by Mayor Cr John-Paul Baladi, Deputy Mayor Cr Benjamin Cai, Councillor Cr Esther Kim, former Councillor Ms Maryanne Duggan, and Rev V. Savermuttu. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Dr. (Mrs) Sivathondan, Mr & Mrs Suntharalingam, Mr & Mrs Rodrigo, Mr & Mrs Xavier, Mr Manickarajah, Mr & Mrs Rajalingam, Mrs. Phillips, Mr & Mrs Vijaykumar and Mrs Pathmadeva. Benediction was performed by Rev V. Saverimuttu. Mr. R. Manickarajah delivered vote of thanks.
Members Day – This was the final Thursday program for the year 2024. The day commenced with National Anthem and Thamil Thai Vazhthu. Mrs Ganeshalingam sang the Hindu devotional song and Mr and Mrs Xavier sang the Christian devotional song. The day’s program started with the address of Auburn Police Commissioner who briefly introduced himself and gave an assuring talk. Then the scheduled program ‘Best of Vaiyanthymala’s dance clips in Tamil and Hindi Films’ was presented by Dr and Mrs Ganeshalingam. The whole house watched and enjoyed this beautifully compiled dances with pin drop silence. Today’s program concluded with the Fellowship Lunch by Mrs L Devendra, Mrs G Easwaran, Mr K & Mrs C Kunaseelan and Mrs L Devathasan.
Thursday 05
Isai Arangam – 11 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. We are eagerly awaiting the next Isai Arangam. Mr Srijeyananthan, a former president of Senior Tamils’ Centre of Ontario was
requested to attend our meeting and address us. He explained the history and working of their Centre. He mentioned that they have one (1) full time employee and two (2) part-time employees to help the elected committee to run the Centre. Also, they have a rented office which opens all five working
days of the week. The expense for both of these comes from state grants. He praised the TSCA for running our association with the volunteers. The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Balakrishnan, Mr Thambirajah and Mr Poopalaretnam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 12
Fellowship Day – Mr Elango gave a talk on “Bharathy & Bharathy’s Panchali Sabatham”. He explained various aspects of Bharathy’s life and writings and his strong support for Indian independence struggle and the hardships he underwent because of this etc. He also mentioned that Bharathy’s “Panchali Sabatham” is an allegory of Indian independence struggle. He took excerpts from Panchali Sabatham and read them to the audience with brief description. This was followed by discussion by the audience. The day ended with singing a few songs by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Thirunavukkarasu, Mr Karunanithy, Mrs Vasugi Mahadevan and Mr Dharmarajah. The cake was sposored by Mr Kugananthan. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 19
Thai Pongal Celebration – Mr Thirunanthakumar spoke on the topic “Thamizhar Thirunaal”. His speech was interactive with the audience and was very much appreciated. He explained the significance of Pongal in the life of Tamils, the reference to that in old Tamil literature and the importance
of farmers. He drew quotations and examples from Thirukkural, Silappadikaaram and Ramayanam. He touched on the archaeological excavation and the finding at Kizhadi (கீழடி) in Tamil Nadu. The lunch was sponsored by the committee members. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 26
ANZAC Day. No programme
Thursday 02
Isai Arangam – 14 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Padma Thangarajah to celebrate her 90 birthday (25/01/2023). Three of her children and a daughter in law were present. A video of her “life story so far” was shown. This was much appreciated by everyone. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 09
Dr Ganeshalingham gave a video presentation and speech on the topic “Sivaji Ganesan Duet Songs with Famous Actresses – 1952 to 1959 – Part 2”. This is the continuation of his Part 1 presentation. He detailed how Sivaji progressed in cinema world, his varied roles and the heroines he acted with. This presentation was very much appreciated. The members are eagerly awaiting his presentation of Sivaji’s 1960’s roles. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Tharmapalan. The president thanked those who sponsored the lunch. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 16
Mr Elango gave a talk on “சிலப்பதிகாரம் – அரங்கேற்று காதை ”. He read out அரங்கேற்று காதை to the audience and explained various aspects of dance arangetram detailed by “இளங்கோ அடிகள்” and how developed it was 2,000 years ago. This was very much liked by the audience and lead to lively discussion. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Manickarajah, Mr Santhirasegaram and the TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 23
Paddukkup Paddu special programme was very ably conducted by Mr N Raguram. Twelve singers enthusiastically participated. They were divided into two (2) teams and the teams competed against each other. It was very much enjoyed by the participants and the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Mr R Ratnakumar and the TSCA Lunch Fund. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 02
Isai Arangam – 18 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Rita Sathiyamoorthy and Mrs Kala Sivarajah. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Thursday 09
Annual outdoor games at Airey Park. The events were book balancing, lime & spoon race, 50m race (men), Musical Walk, 25m race (women) and Relay. 48 people participated. The event was watched by many spectators and everyone enjoyed. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Arumugam Perumynar in memory of his father. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 16
Bensoc AGM. No TSCA activities.
Thursday 23
Annual cricket match and Prize Giving. 17 players participated in the cricket match and the match was watched by 40 members. Everyone enjoyed. Prize giving ceremony was held after the cricket game. Prize giving was graced by Strathfield Mayor Cr Karen Pensabene, Cr Raj Datta, Cr Nella Hall, Dr Bala & Mrs Devi Bala. Lunch was supplied by TSCA. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 30
Innisai Virunthu by Dr R Rajayogan and Dr Gowribalan of “Sydney Geethasagara” music group. They together sang 16 Golden Tamil songs. Everyone enjoyed the high quality of their singing. Members want another programme by them. The lunch was donated by Murugan Temple. The Secretary
Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 06
Isai Chiththiram by Dr Bharathy Ilamurugan and Dr Sivarathi Ketheswaran. Dr Sivarathi set the songs written by Dr Bharathy to music and sang in her melodious voice. Dr Bharathy explained the context and meaning of each song. Very much liked / appreciated by the audience. Quite a few of the songs were sung for the first time. The lunch was sponsored by Dr Bharathy. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 13
Dr Ganeshalingham gave a video presentation and speech on the topic “The Best of Sivaji & K R Vijaya Duets”. With great effort he collated and presented 21 best duets songs of Sivaji & KR Vijaya. This was very much appreciated by the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Dr Ganeshalingham and Mrs Susee Ganesalingham. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 20
Chiththirai New Year Celebration. Ms Sounthary Ganeshan spoke on “வாலிப கவிஞர் வாலியின் திரை இசை ப் பாடல்கள்”. She demonstrated the beauty of Kavignar Vaali’s songs by singing a few of them. Ms Amirthakala Gnanaratnam and her daughter Chandrika Gnanaratnam beautifully sang a few carnatic songs. Both performances were very much liked by the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Dr K Kugathasan and Dr Mrs Thilagawathy Kugathasan. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 27
Women’s Day. The whole programme was managed and performed entirely by the lady members. There was comedy conversation (நகை ச்சுச் வை உரையாடல்) by Mrs Seetha Ramanathan and Mrs Vasugi Mahadevan, musical medley (இசை க் கதம்பம்) by Mrs Elizabeth Rodrigo, Mrs Moira Philips and Mrs Arunthathy Jeyaseelan, women day songs (மங்கை யர் தின பாடல்கள்) by Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan, and a comedy drama (நகை ச்சுச் வை நாடகம்) “Kangaroo Matrimony” written & directed by Mrs Thevaki Karunakaran and acted by Mrs Nirmala Selvanathan, Mrs Lalitha Devadas, Mrs Nightingale Yogarajah, Mrs Sarojini Nallanthuvan, Mrs Susee Ganeshalingam, Mrs Elizabeth Rodrigo and Mrs Niranjani
Naguleswaran. The day was full of fun and laughter and was very much enjoyed by everyone. Mrs Sona Prince was the special guest and well summed up the day’s events. Lunch was sponsored by Mrs Mahalingam in memory of her brother Mr Ganesharajah. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 04
Mr Elango gave a talk on “பாரதிதாசன் கவிதை கள்”. He gave a brief biography of Bharathdasan and read a few verses of his poems and explained the beauty of them. This was very much appreciated by the audience. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks. Mr Birinthavananathan from Annai Illam in Mannar spoke about the services they do to underprivileged and needy children / students in Mannar. Members voluntarily and spontaneously collected funds and contributed to Annai Illam. The lunch was sponsored from the TSCA Lunch Fund. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 11
Mr Thanapalasingham gave a talk on “பாரதியின் ஞானரதம்”. It was excellent. He quoted excerpts from “Gnanaratham” and gave and explained the deeper meanings of them. Lively discussion followed his talk. It was much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Arumuganathan, Mr Charles Dickens, Mrs Pillay and Mr & Mrs Xavier. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 18
This was a “Seniors Health Programme”. Mr Nader a pharmacist and diabetic educator spoke on “Management of Diabetes for Seniors”. Mr S Brabaakaran of “Boost Care” made a presentation on “Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and Home Care Package (HCP)” and how to
access it. Both presentations were very relevant to our members and were very much appreciated. A lively discussion followed. Lunch was sponsored by Mrs Mangai Thuraisingham, Mrs Kandasamy, Mr Radhakrishnan and Mr Rajanayagam. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of
Thursday 25
Mr Sathyasingan spoke on the topic “The Science of Indian Astrology” “இந்திய ஜோதிடத்தின் விஞ்ஞானம்”. He gave reasons and explanations why Indian Astrology is not based on superstition but on sciences like astronomy, physics, psychology, astrophysics and spirituality. The audience were very curious and a lively discussion followed and Mr Sathyasingan confidently answered many questions from the audience. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Sivathondan, Mr & Mrs.Sathyasingan and TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 01
Isai Arangam – 14 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Dr Indrarajah in memory of Mr Navaratnavel. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 08
Iyal Arangam – Dr Ganeshalingham gave a beautiful and informative video presentation of “Dance performance in movies by dancer and actress Kamala Laxman”. This was very well compiled and presented. Lot of effort has gone into the compilation. The presentation was very much appreciated. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Nagarajah. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 15
Iyal Arangam – Mr Panchadcharam gave an informative talk “My visit to Sri Lanka” “இலங்கை ப் பயணம், பார்த்ர் த் தும் பார்க்ர் க் வேண்டியதும்” with PowerPoint presentation. This was much appreciated by the audience and was followed by a lively discussion. Lunch was sposored by Mrs Kannamma Paramasivam, Mrs Rukmani Thirunavukkarasu, Mr Nadarajah and TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 22
Iyal Arangam – Dr Mrs Chandrika Subramanian gave an informative talk on “Devotion in Kambar’s Poetry “கம்பனில் பக்தி”. She explained how Kamban’s devotion and his belief that one should unconditionally surrender to the almighty permeates Kambaramayanam. Kamban, all through his poems had depicted Raman as God. The talk was very much appreciated. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Sanmugam and TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Saturday 24
Grandchildren’s Day was celebrated at Carrington Church Hall. President Mrs Saro Sunteralingam presided the event. The programme was MCed by Abinayayan Rajkumar. Jason Li the MP for Strathfield was guest of honour, Ms Karen Pensabene the Mayor of Strathfield Council was chief guest and Ms Maryanne Duggan, former councillor of Strathfield Council was guest. 21 grandchildren participated in person and 2 grandchildren participated through video. Some of these were show-stopping performances. There were speeches, poem, instrumental music and gymnastics. Snacks
and refreshments were provided to all the participants and attendees. The past presidents of TSCA Mr S Suntheralingam, Mrs P Thangarajah, Mr A Sivathondan and Mr P Panchadcharam were honoured. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 29
Members Day – Dr Mrs Nalayini Sugirthan gave a very informative useful talk on “Mental Health in Old Age”. This topic is very relevant to our members and was very much appreciated and was followed by a lively discussion. Lunch was sponsored by the TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 06
Isai Arangam – 16 members participated and sang songs of their choice. 4 (2 pairs) of them sang duets. Their performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Bala Ariyanayagam, Mr & Mrs Gananadha, Mr Chandrapavan and TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 13
Iyal Arangam – Dr Gnanasampanthan gave a talk on “Social Organisation and Broader Knowledge”. He explained how one acquires knowledge. He mentioned that the society and environment enhance and at times blunt the process of acquiring knowledge. He mentioned the place of meditation in acquiring the knowledge and leading a peaceful life. This talk was very much appreciated by the audience. Lunch was bought by the members with subsidy from the TSCA Lunch Fund. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 20
Iyal Arangam – Dr Paul Manuel gave a talk titled “Kathai Pirantha Kathai”. It was very entertaining and audience enjoyed it. TSCA honoured Mr Veluppillai. The President, Dr Paul Manuel and many others from the audience spoke about the great services rendered by Mr Veluppillai to TSCA, individuals and the general community. He was draped with gold shawl (திரு வேலுப்பிள்ளை அவர்கர் ள் பொன்னாடை போர்த்ர் த்தி கௌரவிக்கப்பட்டாட் ர்).ர் Lunch was sponsored by Mr Kalvalai Seyon and Mr Sivasooriyar. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 27
Men’s Day & Members Day – The programme was a combination of “இயல், இசை , நாடகம்”. The president gave the welcome speech and after the programme was conducted by Mr Manicckarajah. Mr Thirunanthakumar was the chief guest and gave “அறிமுக உரை” quoting Valluvar, Kannadasan etc. He praised the seniors for being active. Mr Bala Thiru gave a musical performance that was enjoyed by everyone. Mr Suntheralingam gave an excellent and hilarious dramatic performance called “நீங்காத நினைவுகள்” which kept everyone entertained and full of laughter. Mr Gowrishankaran gave a comedy speech titled “சிந்தியுங்கள் சிரியுங்கள்” narrating funny stories which were enjoyed by everyone. Dr Bharathy & Mr Pavalan Vikraman together gave a “இயல் இசை ” programme of singing songs and interpreting them. Mr Manicckarajah delivered the vote of thanks. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Dr Mrs Kailainathan.
Thursday 03
Isai Arangam – 14 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were excellent and were very much appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Naguleswaran. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 10
Fellowship Day – Members joyfully participated in the event by singing songs of their choice and sharing interesting experiences in their lives. Some members joined together and played indoor games. All the members participated with a lot of enthusiasm. Members purchased their lunch. The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 17
Fellowship Day – Members joyfully participated in the event by singing songs of their choice, sharing interesting experiences in their lives, anecdotes and quizzes. Some members joined together and played indoor games. All the members participated with a lot of enthusiasm. Members purchased their lunch. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 24
Iyal, Isai Arangam – Mrs Kanagambigai Jeganathan sang Carnatic songs of various compositions. Mr Panchadcharam spoke about his recent visit to Sri Lanka displaying the photos he took during the trip and also mentioning the historical aspects. He explained the present situation in Jaffna. An appeal was made for financial contribution to repair / upgrade the premier ladies’ school “Ramanathan College” in Jaffna. A sum of money was collected and handed over. Lunch was sponsored by Mrs Kamala Sivanandarajasingam, Mr Suntheralingam and Mrs Suryakala Sathyasingan. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 31
Iyal Arangam – Mr. Kieran Eswaran and other staff of Jesmond Aged Care presented a talk and discussion on “Jesmond Home Care & Nursing Care”. They explained in detail about the different services provided by them and assistance given by Government to the aged and how we can obtain the said services through them. The presentation was followed by lively and useful discussions. The questions and answers were really informative and beneficial to the seniors. The lunch was sponsored by Jesmond Nursing Home. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 07 – Iyal Arangam – Swami Ramana Swaroopananda gave a spiritual talk on “Lord’s Will”, ஈசன் செயல்”. This was very spiritual and
informative. He quoted from various Hindu saints and scriptures. This was followed by lively discussion which gave the opportunity to the Swami to
elaborate on parts of his talk. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Thatparananthan. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 14 – Iyal Arangam – The meeting was addressed by popular radio announcer Mr Abdul Hameed and Naturopath & pop singer Dr Nithi
Kanagaratnam. Mr Abdul Hameed spoke for about 20 minutes and gave suggestions for happy, healthy and peaceful living at old age. Dr Nithi
Kanagaratnam spoke on the topic “கை த்தல நிறைகனி அப்பமொடு அவல்பொரி”. This was very informative. His theme was “food is medicine”.
He detailed suitable food and their chemical composition for healthy living, with slideshow. Both talks were very much appreciated. Nithi’s talk was
followed by lively discussion. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Vimala Thillainathan and Mrs Sreetharan. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Nominations for the 2023/2024 TSCA Executive Committee was received, opened and compiled by the Returning Officer Mr Sivathodan.
Thursday 21 – Iyal Arangam – Mrs Karen Pensabene the Mayoress of Strathfield and Ms Anne Byrne explained to the members the purpose and need of
the “Voice” committee that would be decided by referendum on 14/10/2023 and the need to support the establishment of it. This was followed by a lively
discussion. The 2023 “Uravu” magazine was distributed to all the members who were present. We could not proceed with the review of the TSCA operation
during this year and discuss improvements as we ran out of time. Lunch was sponsored by the Lunch Fund. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Thursday 28
The 2023 AGM of TSCA was held at Homebush West Community Centre. Meeting was attended by 97 members which satisfied the quorum. Meeting
started with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the Past-Presidents of TSCA Mr Samy Pasupati, Mr Santhiran, Mr Suntheralingam, Mrs Padma
Thangarajah, Mr Sivathondan and Mr Panchadcharam. The Minutes of the 2022 AGM, Annual Report and the Audited Financial Report were tabled,
discussed and duly accepted by the General Body. A new Management Committee was elected for the year 2023/2024. The meeting ended with lunch.
Thursday 05 – Iyal Arangam. Dr Sokkalingam Ilakkuvanaar from New Zealand gave a talk on the topic “Siththarkal Kaaddum Vaazhviyal Muraikal”
“சித்தர்கர் ள் காட்டுட் ம் வாழ்வியல் முறைகள்”. He spoke about the life and writings of many popular Tamil ascetics (சித்தர்கர் ள்) and the lessons &
knowledge they have left for us. This talk was very much appreciated. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Ponniah. He and his family were present and
celebrated his birthday with the Seniors. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 12 – Dr Ganeshalingham gave a video presentation and explanation on the topic “Makakavi Bharathi’s Songs in Tamil Cinema Part 1” –
“தமிழ்த் திரைப்படங்களில் மகாகவி பாரதியாரின் பாடல்கள்”. He presented 20 songs from various movies starting from “Naam Iruvar” in 1947
till recent. This presentation was very much appreciated. Audience was mesmerised. This will continue at a later day. Lunch was sponsored by Mr P
Panchadcharam, Mrs Sarojini Nallanthuwan, Mr K Amirthasingam and Mr Poobalaretnam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 19 – Mr Ponmailainathan did a video presentation of many old Gems under the title “Nostalgic Songs from Our Childhood Years”. He presented
18 videos of popular songs, from late 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, by various popular singers of that era. This was very much enjoyed by the audience. This
was followed by further discussions and explanations. Mr & Mrs Ponmailainathan celebrated 59th wedding anniversary and sponsored lunch. The
Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 26 – This day was a combined Navarathiri celebration and members day. The Navarathiri Pooja was conducted by Mr Radhakrishnan.
Devotional songs were sung by various members. This was followed by a talk by Mr Mathivanan Shakthivel on the topic “Knowledge of the Mind”. He
explored the working of the mind and how to control it for happy and peaceful life. This was very much appreciated by the audience. Winners of the mini
bridge tournament were given prizes. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Narayanaswamy in memory of his wife. Prasadam was sponsored by Mr & Mrs
Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 02/11/2023 – Iyal Arangam. Dr K Nadanachandran gave a talk on the topic “Mediation and its Health Benefits”. He explained with the help of
power point presentation that it had been scientifically proved that meditation improves brain function and the memory. He also explained the relationship
between meditation and the body Chakra system. Healthy mind in a healthy body leads to healthy life. The information provided is very useful and was very
much appreciated by the audience. Lunch was sponsored Dr Nadanachandran in memory of his mother-in-law. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote
of thanks.
Thursday 09/11/2023 – Isai Arangam – 11 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were excellent and were very much
appreciated by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Thambirajah, Mr Amirthalingam, Mr Sivasothy, Mrs Padminidevi Thavapalakulasingham, Mr
Logenthiran and Mr Paskaranathan. Mrs Padmini brought short-eats in addition to celebrate her birthday. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Thursday 16/11/2023 – First half of the programme was allocated to get feedback (மதிப்பாய்வு) from the members on the functioning of the Association
and the rest was allocated for variety programmes by the members (fellowship day). The secretary explained the difficulty of finding lunch sponsors every
week and also asked the audience what sort of programmes they would like to have. Members gave various suggestions. Those will be taken on board and
whatever that could be implemented will be implemented. This was followed by variety programmes like singing, trivia, narration of cruise experience, short
talk on old age etc. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan in memory of her husband. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Thursday 23/11/2023 – Deepavali Celebration. Innisai Virunthu by Dr R Rajayogan and Dr Gowribalan of “Sydney Geethasagara” music group. They
together sang 16 Golden Tamil songs. Everyone enjoyed the high quality of their singing. Members want another programme by them as soon as
possible. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Sivagnanasundaram, Mr Ketharanathan, Mr Nandapala Thuraisingham, Mr Elango and Mr Karunasaladeva.
The President Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 30/11/2023 – Christmas celebration. The whole event was organised and managed by Mr & Mrs Xavier. This was attended by the Mayor Karen
Pensabene, Deputy Mayor Sandy Reddy, few councillors of Strathfield Municipal Council and Ms Maryanne Duggan. Bible reading was done by a few
members and the Mayor & Ms Maryanne Duggan. Christmas message, prayer and benediction was performed by Rev G Nadarajah. Carol was sung by
few TSCA members. Kids Choir from the neighbouring pre-school sand a few choir songs. These were memorable performances and was very much
appreciated by everyone. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Xavier, Mrs Mary Paul, Mrs Moira Phillips, Mr Rajanayagam, Mr Manickarajah, Mrs Rita
Sathiamoorthy, Mr & Mrs Rodrigo, Mrs Premini Vijayakumar, Mrs Lucy Roche and Mr & Mrs (Dr) Sivathondan. The event was MCed by Mr Elango. The
Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 07/12/2023 – Isai Arangam – 18 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Songs choices and the performances were excellent and
were very much appreciated by the audience. Dr Bharathy was honoured with “வாழ்நாள் சாதனையாளர் விருது” by the Cambodian Government at
the 2nd World Tamil Poet Conference 2023, held in Cambodia on 21 to 26th November 2023. This was appreciated and he was felicitated by TSCA. The
lunch was sponsored by Mrs Indradevi Pathmanathan (Rani Akka) and she celebrated her 80th birthday with the members. Mrs Saro Suntheralingam
delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 14/12/2023 – Iyal Arangam – Associate Professor Dr Nirmala Pathmanathan Director of Westmead Breast Cancer Institute, gave a talk on
“Breast Cancer Awareness”. This was very informative and useful and very much appreciated by everyone. This was followed by lively discussion. Dr
Nirmala was introduced by lawyer Dr Mrs Chandrika Subramanian who organised this programme for TSCA. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Murugesu, Mr
Perumynar, Mr Mahalingam, Mrs Suguna Tharmapalan and Mrs Lalitha Devadas. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
TSCA activities were closed from 15/12/2023 till 10/01/02024
Thursday 13 – Dr Nadarajah Rajeskannan, Family Physician of Civic Park Medical Centre, Pendle Hill delivered a speech on “அதிகரிக்கும் Covid 19
தாக்கத்திலிருந்து தப்பிக்க முடியுமா.” He spoke in detail about the symptoms, management, and the effects as well as side effects of vaccines. He
also stressed on the importance of having the booster dose. His speech was very informative and especially focussed on the safety measures to be
followed by the seniors. The Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. Please Click Here ( and watch the
Thursday 20 – “Pongal Vila” was celebrated with a special speech by well known orator and philanthropist Senchotselvar Dr Aaruthirumurugan joined from
Jaffna and gave a speech on “Pongal & Spirituality”. He gave an interesting speech detailing how the Pongal festival symbolizes the Tamil
Culture. Pongal is celebrated as a Thanksgiving Day when people show gratitude to the Sun God for giving bumper harvest and pray for his grace to
shower abundance. Hiss delivery was so engaging that the audience lost all track of time. Please Click Here
( to watch the video.
Thursday 27 – Dr Varagunan Mahadevan joined from Canada and delivered a speech on “Corona 19 Yesteray Today and Tomorrow”. He enlightened the
audience on the importance of vaccines, the risks involved and the preventive measures we should bear in mind. He also explained on the myths and facts
on this subject and wiped off all fears in our minds about Corona. This multitalented medical practitioner sang songs from movies as an interlude and it was
really a treat to all. Please Click Here ( to watch the event in video.
Thursday 3 – “Isai Arangam” programme was held with the participation of 17 members enthusiastically singing songs from movies. The President
encouraged every participant by his positive comments and on the whole the singers and the audience on line enjoyed the programme. Please CLICK
HERE ( to watch the video recording of this programme.
Thursday 10 – Mr Mahadev Aiyar Jeyaramasarma delivered an interesting and motivational speech on the topic “Vaazha Ninaiththaal Vaalalaam” (வாழ
நினைத்தால் வாழலாம்). He quoted great saints like Valluvar and explained in detail that our thoughts and actions shoud be good for the life to be
good. He referred to even movie songs to reiterate the topic he chose to speak. In short, the speech was enlightining and stimulating and was well received
by the listeners.
Thursday 17 – Dr.S. Amutha, Asst. Professor of Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamil Naadu, joined us from India and delivered a speech on “Truth is
always bitter”. Her approach was comprehensive and went in detail of the various instances we face bitterness in life and how we can overcome these and
make life sweet and enjoyable. Her wise words enlightened and boosted the quality of our life. Please CLICK HERE
( to watch the video of this programme.
Thursday 24 – Prof. A. Shanmugadas of Jaffna University delivered a speech on “Tamil Literature, via Google Meet. He opened his speech describing the
pride and history of Tamil Language which is the oldest language in the world. Then he spoke about the old epics like Thiirukkural, Ramayanam Maha
Bharatha and Silappathikaaram. These epics remain as the source of Tamil Culture and civilization. Please Click Here
( to watch the video recording of the speech.
MARCH 2022
Thursday 3 – “Isai Arangam” – 19 of our members participated in this programme and show cased their talents in singing songs from movies. Everyone
enjoyed this programme and all were anxiously waiting for the next programme. Please CLICK HERE
( to watch the video recording of the programme.
Thursday 10 – “Women’s Day” – TSCA celebrated this day with speeches of two renowned speakers. Dr Chandrika Subramanian, Principal Solicitor, Lawyer
and Barrister from “SUCCESS LAWYERS & BARRISTERS”, delivered a speech on the topic “Women’s Day”. She explained about the different roles
played by women in our day today life and said that they are the back bone of a family. She also mentioned that for the first time in the history of Tamil
Naadu, a lady Mayor has been appointed for Chennai. Following her speech, Mr M.I.Jeyarama Sarma delivered a speech on “Boon & Life”, He said that
even the talent of singing too is a blessing of God because all are not blessed with that talent. If we analyse each phase of our life, we can find a blessing
in disguise. Please CLICK HERE ( to watch the video recording of this programme.
Thursday 24 – Mr. M.; Vamadevan, Retd. Secretary for the Ministry of Estate Infrastructure, Housing and Social Development, Sri Lanka joined via Google
Meet and delivered a speech on “Expecfations of Upcountry Tamils”. He explained in his speech the discrimination shown by the Government and how they
are treated as second class citizens. Following his speech, Mr T. Thirunanthakumar spoke on the subject “Tamil Literature”. quoting Bharathy and Kamban.
His vast knowledge on the subject was well presented in his speech which was enjoyed by the audience. PLEASE CLICK HERE
( to watch the video recording of the programme.
APRIL 2022
Thursday 7 – “Isai Arangam” – 22 members participated and showcased their talent in singing. It was a treat for the audience and all were awaiting for the
next monthly event. Please CLICK HERE ( to watch the video recording of this interesting
Thursday 21 – “New Year Celebrations” – Mr. R. Radhakrishnan spoke about the Tamil New Year in detail about how our ancestors celebrated this day with
devotion and how we have all forgotten all the customs. Prof. Mrs Gnana Kulenthiran delivered a speech on “Eelathu Sithar Yogar Swamikal”. She told
about her experiences with the Yogi and how her whole family worshipped him as Guru and how He guided and moulded their life to become blissful. The
Secretary Mr Elango proposed the vote of thanks.
Thursday 28 – “Members’ Day” – Dr Nithi Kanagaratnam delivered a speech on “Kaalai Vilaankani” which gave us the knowledge of the benefits of
“Vilaankani” when taken in the morning. His speech focussed on the medicinal valu of fruits and how it is beneficial to a healthy living.
MAY 2022
Thursday 05 – “Isai Arangam” – 16 members partticipated with enthusiasm and sang songs of their choice exhibiting their talents in singing. The singers
and the audience enjoyed the performance and the vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Elango, Secretary. Please CLICK HERE
( to watch the video of the event.
Thursday 12 – Well known Tamil Activist and orator Mr Mylvaganam Thanabalasingam delivered a speech on the topic “Tamil and Religion”. His speech
with analysis of both Tamil and Hinduism was very informative and exhibited his vast knowledge in the field of Tamil Literature and religion. The speech
was well received by the audience. Please CLICK HERE ( to
watch the video recording.
Thursday 19 – “Paadum Meen” Mr Suppiah Sriskantharajah, well known writer and a lawyer by profession delivered speech via Google Meet on “”Service to
Tamil Language and Education by Swami Vipulanandar”. He mentioned in his speech that Vipulanandar was an early pioneer associated with the
Indian based Ramakrishna Mission in Sri Lanka. Along with other reformers, Vipulanadar was instrumental in the revival of the Hindu religion and native
traditions in Sri Lanka after a long period of dormancy and decline during the previous 500 years of colonian rule by various Europian powers. His delivery
was so engaging that the audience lost all track of ttime. You may CLICK HERE
( to watch the video of the event.
Thursday 26- Mr Maran Nandan Sithamparanathan, LLB, spoke on “Gnerration Gap and Seniors”.. It was an enlightening and stimulating presentation. Our
Secretary Mr Elango proposed the vote of thanks.
JUNE 2022
Thursday 02 – “Members’Day”- 14 members particiJUNEpated and sang their favourite songs to the amusement of the audience. Please CLICK HERE
( to watch the video of this event.
Thursday 09 – Mr Linga Lingaratnam delivered a speech on “Power of Meditation”” and his speech was well received and appreciated by the audienced.
His speech was mainly all about his own divine experiences. It was really a memorable presentation. Please CLICK HERE
( to view the video recording.
Thursday 16 – Face to face activities at the Bates Street Centre restarted. Mr S. Ponmailainathan sang and pesented a few songs on video and
brought us the familiar and not so familiar nostalgic Tamil old Tamil songs which was enjoyed by all. He was followed by Dr. Varagunan who spoke on “Pain
Management”and sang a few songs entertaining the audience. Mr S. and Mrs P. Pomailainathan celebrated their Wedding Anniversary and sponsored the
lunch. Mrs Pathma Thangarajah gave the vote of thanks. Please CLICK HERE ( to view the Video
recording of presentation by Mr. Ponmailainathan. You may CLICK HERE
( and enjoy the songs and speech by Dr Varagunan..
Thursday 23 – Dr Paran Sithamparakumar delivered a speech on the topic “How to live happily”.. It was more like a dicussion with the participation of the
audience. It was well appreciated by all and was a memorble day. The Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. Mr K. Ratnakumar celebrated his birthday
and sponsored the lunch for the day.
Thursday 30 – Dr Nirmala Chrishanthan, FRCGP. Senior Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, delivered a speech on “Lack of Sleep”. The audience
thoroughly enjoyed her presentation and the delivery was so engaging that the audience lost all track of time. Please CLICK HERE
( to view the Video presentation of the event. Mrs Rita
Sathiyamoorthy sponsored the lunch in remem
JULY 2022
Thursday 07 – Ms Zoe Rock, Research Assistant and her team attached to the Westmead Applied Research Centre of The University of Sydney, Faculty of
Medicine and Health, carried out a baseline survey amongst our members to gauge their current knowledge of CPR. Then Mr. Sugumar, the ETA Secretary
followed with his presentation and explained about the “Uyirizhai” Organisation “உயிரிழை” which is operating in Vanni. Finally our monthly “Isai
Ärangam” programme took place with about eleven members participating with enthusiasm and sang songs which was very much appreciated by the
audience for their efforts.
Thursday 14 – After a short introduction by the President, Sangeetha Booshanam Mrs Kala Gnani rendered a music recital with mostly devotional songs.
Lyrics are just words until they get the voice of a singer like her who can turn them into a beautiful song. There are very few people who are blessed with
such natural talents like her and she is one of them. Following her rendition Mr Soma Somanathan spoke about a Voluntary Organization called “Tears of
Vanni”. His speech was very much appreciated by the audience. He was introduced to the audience by Mr Kalvalai Seyon. The Secretary delivered the
vote oif thanks. The Board of Trustees of the BENSOC sponsored the lunch. Please CLICK HERE
( to view the video of this event..
Thursday 21 – Mr.R. Kumaraswamipillai delivered a speech on the topic “Muthumaiyil Semmai” and the audience thoroughly enjoyed his presentation. It
was very relavant to the seniors, stimulating, enlightening and the delivery was so engaging that all listeners lost track of time. Mr Gowrishankar followed
him and entertained with his songs and hilarious comedies. It was really a memorable day for all. Please CLICK HERE
( to view the vido of this event.
Thursday 28 – Mr Navaratnam Raguram gave a short speech about Äadi Amavasai” which is a holy day for Hindus who fast in remembrance of their late
father. Following it Mr Fernando Rodrigo delivered a speech on the topic “My experiences in Saudi Arabia”. He explained in detail about the culture and the
surprising Muslim Marriage Traditions. The audience enjoyed his presentation It was thoughtful of him to add those personal observations on his
experiences. Mr. Shanmuganathan proposed the voite of thanks. Mr C. Sivasooriar sponsered the lunch in remembrance of his late father. .
Thursday 4 -” Isai Arangam” – About 10 of oiur members sang their favourite songs and entertained the audience showcasing their inborn talents. Mr
Shanmuganathan proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs B. Gananadha celebrated her birthday and sponsored the lunch for the day.
Thursday 11 – Mr. Elankeeran Easwaran of Jesmond Aged Care delivered a lecture and discussion on “Home Care for Elderly”. He explained in detail
about the different services provided by the Government to the aged and how we can obtain the said services through them. His speech and discussions
and the question and answers were really informative and beneficial to the seniors. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks. The lunch was
sponsored by Jesmond Nursing Home.
Thursday 18 – Mrs Saro Suntheralingam spoke on the topic “சிந்தனை செய் மனமே”. She explained the importance of the mind health in our
happiness. Our thoughts enslaves us. She said that love, humbleness and kindness are the way to free our mind. After this, Dr Gowripalan spoke on the
topic “Music, mind, mature age and health”. He explained the working of the brain, grey matter and the white matter. He mentioned that exercise and
singing will stimulate memory and attention, and this is important in the old age. He sang many popular songs in-between to entertain the audience.
Tlunch was sponsiored by Mrs Kannammah Paramasivam. The secretary gave the vote of thanks. It was an enjoyable morning.
Thursday 25 – Dr Kala Siva, Dental Surgeon delivered a speech on “Oral Health in Seniors” which every one appreciated and was beneficial to the seniors.
Dr (Mrs) Manju Rajaratnam spoke on the topic “Äm I a matured person?”. She empdhasized on being optimistic and there will be no problem if we forgive
and forget. Her speech was well received and her presentation drew the audience in and held their attention for one full hour. There was never a dull
moment. Mrs Seetha Ramanathan celebrated her birthday with us and sponsored the lunch. The Secretary proposed the vote of thanks.
Thursday 1 – ‘Isai Arangam” – About 10 members participated and sang songs of their choice. The efforts, enthusiasm, and confidence shown in singing by
the members was really praiseworthy. The singers are anxiouslly waiting for the next Isai Arangam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 8 – Dr Paul Manuel spoke on the topic “எது நிழல், எது நிஜம் – பகுதி 2″. Here he connected the triangular love story of Charles, Diana and
Camilla with a similar triangular love story of Viswanathanpillai, Thamayanthi and Parvathy which happened at Thirunelvely district. Brillianty narrated. The
audience very much enjoyed it. After this Mr Mathalai Somu spoke on the topic “பாட்டுட் க்கோட்டை ட் பாடல்கள்”. He brought out the brilliance of
Kavigar Paddukkoddai Kalyanasundaram (PKS) and the progressive nature of his songs. All these PKS achieved within a short life of 29 years. This was
very informative and the audience enjoyed this. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Yoga Subramaniam. The secretary Mr Elango gave the vote of thanks.
Thursday 15 – This was a variety event. Mrs Vimaladevi Vigneswaran sang a few popular carnatic songs. Mr Bala Thiru sang a few vintage cinema
songs. Mr Kugananthan repeated (mimicry) a Tamil conference commentary by Kalaignar Karunanithi and sang a song. All these were very much enjoyed
by the audience. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Gunaratnam. The secretary Mr Elango gave the vote of thanks.
Thursday 22 :
This is the week before the AGM and last regular meeting for the outgoing committee. So the day was allocated to get feedback from the members and
some entertainment. Many members praised the executive committee, especially the president. Dr Rajayogan and Dr Gowripalan of Geethasagara group
entertained the members with excellent singing of many popular songs. The members very much enjoyed it. The lunch was sponsored by the outgoing
committee. The secretary Mr Elango gave the vote of thanks.
Thursday 29
The AGM of TSCA was held at Strathfield Town Hall. Meeting was attended by 99 members which satisfied the quorum. Meeting started with the lighting of
the traditional lamp by the Past-Presidents of TSCA Mr Samy Pasupati, Mr Santhiran, Mr Suntheralingam, Mrs Padma Thangarajah and Mr Sivathondan.
The Minutes of the Previous AGM, Annual Report and the Audited Financial Report were tabled, discussed and duly accepted by the General Body. A new
Management Committee was elected for the year 2022/2023. The meeting ended with lunch.
Thursday 06
Navarathiri celebration. Mr Radhkrishnan performed Puja to the three Sakthis – Durga, Luxmi and Saraswathy. Panchapuranam was sung by Mr
Thevarajan, Sakalakalaavalli Maalai & Mangalam were sung by Mrs Jeganthan, Jeya-Jeya-Jeya-Sakthi was sung by Mr Panchadcharam. Mr
Radhakrishnan spoke on the significance of Navarathiri. Mrs Sivarathi Ketheeswaran gave an Innisai Virunthu. The meeting concluded with the vote of
thanks by the secretary Mr Elango. The Prasatham was brought by members.
Thursday 13 — Isai Arangam – About 12 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their efforts, enthusiasm, confidence and performance were
praiseworthy and very much appreciated by the audience. The singers and the audience are eagerly waiting for the next Isai Arangam. The lunch was
sponsored by Mr Paskaranathan, Mr Amirthalingam, Mr Amirthasingham and Mr Kunaseelan. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 20 – Fellowship Day – It was a great success. Members joyfully participated in the event by singing songs of their choice and sharing interesting
experiences in their lives. Some members joined together and played indoor games. All the members participated with a lot of enthusiasm and expressed
appreciation of the programme. There was a lot of laughter and fellowship among the members that was heart-warming. Special mention and gratitude to
Mr Ponmailanathan who conducted part of the meeting successfully at the request of the President. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Panchadcharam, Mrs
Saro Nallathuvan and Mr Logenthiran. The president Mrs Saro Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 27 -Deepavali Celebration – Mr Mathalai Somu spoke on the topic “பழம் தமிழர் பண்டிகை கள்”. Here he explained how various
celebrations originated and developed over the years in the Tamil Land in India. Some of these are still celebrated all over the Tamil Land and few have
become regional celebrations. He mentioned that Deepavali is celebrated all over India for different reasons. In Tamil Land it is celebrated to represent the
defeat of Narahasuran (evil) by Krishna (God). The lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Suntheralingam. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Thursday 03 – Isai Arangam – About 10 members participated and sang songs of their choice. Their performances were wonderful and very much
appreciated by the audience. The singers and the audience are eagerly waiting for the next Isai Arangam. The lunch was sponsored by Mr Arumugam
Perumynar, Mrs Manonmany Krishnasamy, Mrs Hope Rajendran and Mrs Premini Vijayakumar. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 10 – Fellowship Day – Mr V Gowrishankaran gave a variety performance which was very much enjoyed by everyone. He beautifully sang some
popular Tamil and Hindi songs and advised on how to live simply and happily. His speech was very humourous, entertaining and educational. He urged us
to lead humble life, giving examples of real-life great people who lead humble lives. Members enjoyed it so much that they are eagerly awaiting his next
performance. Lunch was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Gunaratnam and the members wished Mr Gunaratnam happy birthday and sang prayer songs. The
Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 17 – Iyal Arangam – Dr Mrs Chitra Harinesan spoke on Seniors Wellbeing. She gave lot of practical and relevant advice to the seniors. She
mentioned about the importance of nutritious food, controlled eating and regular exercise and vaccinations & screenings relevant to the seniors. The talk
was well received by the members and there is request to repeat this type of talk every year. The lunch was sponsored by Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan
in memory of her late husband. The President and the Secretary spoke about the quiet, kind and loving nature of Mr Jeganathan. Mrs Jeganathan and her
son thanked the attendees. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 24 – Iyal Arangam – Dr Ganeshalingham gave a video presentation and speech on the topic “Sivaji Ganesan Duet Songs with Famous Actresses
– 1952 to 1959”. This is Part 1 of his presentation. Part 2 will continue at a later date. He detailed the entry of Sivaji into cinema world, variety of roles he
played and the heroines he acted with. This presentation was very much appreciated. The members are eagerly awaiting the Part 2 presentation. Lunch
was sponsored by Mr Nanda Thuraisingham, Mr Ketharanathan, Mr Sivagnanasundaram and Mr Elango. The president thanked those who sponsored the
lunch. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 01 – Isai Arangam – 15 members participated and sang songs of their choice – mostly old songs. Their performances were wonderful and very
much appreciated by the audience. The singers and the audience are eagerly waiting for the next Isai Arangam. The lunch was sponsored by Mr
Karunalayan, Mrs Jeyarani Thangarajah, Mr Mohankumar and Mr Murugesu. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of thanks.
Thursday 08 – Iyal Arangam – Mr Jason Li, the member of parliament for Strathfield electorate addressed the members. He gave a brief history about
himself and his career. Gave brief details about the demographics of Strathfield electorate and how he is a typical representative of it and so proud to
represent the residents of his electorate. He detailed various initiatives being taken by him. This was followed by lively discussion. Lunch was sponsored by
the family of late Dr Puvanachandran in memory of him. Few members spoke about Dr Puvanachandran. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered the vote of
Thursday 15 – Christmas celebration. The whole event was organised and managed by Dr Mrs Nithi Sivathondan. This was attended by the Mayor, Deputy
Mayor and a few councillors of Strathfield Municipal Council. Bible reding was done by a few members and the Mayor & Deputy Mayor. Christmas
message, prayer and benediction was performed by Rev John Jegasothy. Carol was sung by few TSCA members. This was a memorable performance and
was appreciated by everyone. Lunch was sponsored by Mr Rajanayagam, Mr Manickarajah, Mr & Mrs Xavier, Mr & Mrs Rajalingam, Mrs Nalini
Pathamatheva and Mr &Mrs (Dr) Sivathondan. Cake was sponsored by Mrs Rita Sathiyamoorthy and Mr & Mrs Xavier. The Secretary Mr Elango delivered
the vote of thanks.
This was the last meeting for the year 2022. The next programme will commence on Thursday 05/01/2023.
Thursday 7 – The popular Tamil orator and Barrister Mr Bagavadas Sriskandadas delivered a speech on the topic “சிறப்பும் சில சிக்கல்களும் –
திருக்குறள் ஒரு பார்வைர் “. His speech was well received and praised by the audience.
Thursday 14 – Pongal Celebrations – Sangeetha Viththagar Mrs Sivarathy Ketheswaran gave a music recital in which her skill and passion for music was
evident. The popular Tamil orator and Barrister Mr P. Gnanakaran gave a speech on the topic “இயற்கை யுடன் வாழ்வு ” His talk was one of the most
engaging and the audience was found captivated by every word.
Thursday 21 – “Iyalum Isaiyum” – 14 members paricipated in the programme and showcased their singing talents. On the eve of his 100 th Birthday Mr
Nagamuthu Sivarasa joined us on our invitation and spoke a few words. We all wished him a long and healthy life.
Thursday 28 – Mr. A Kugarajan shared some of his interesting experiences in his life which was very humorous and lessons for the audience. Followed by
this was a speech by renowned vocalist Vidwan Ahilan Sivanandan on the topic “Enjoying Music”. He sang songs mainly based on Carnatic Music and
gave explanations of different ragas exhibiting his expertise in the music field.
Thursday 4 – A renowned lawyer Paadum Meen S. Srikantharasa gave us a speech on “Tamil Inbam” testifying himself as a good orator who derives ideas,
style, and taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
Friday 12 – An interesting “Patti Manram” was held with the participation of Mr T. Thirunanthakumar, Mr S. Thanabalasingam, Mrs Saro Suntheralingam and
Mr V.M. Thevarajan. Prof. Gnana Kulenthiran was the moderator for the discussion.
Thursday 18.– Our monthly programme “Iyalum Isaiyum” was held with the participation of about 14 members who sang songs showcasing their talents.
Thursday 25 – A well known Tamil writer and orator Mathalai Somu spoke to us on the topic “Pura Naanootru Puthaiyal” which was a treat to the audience.
MARCH 2021
Thursday 4 – Tamil Enthusiastic Mr Vythilingam Eelalingam spoke on “Easing of Fight for Eelam and the World Tamil Media” making the speech carefully
without touching the political issues. The presentation was interesting and was well received by the audience.
Thursday 11 – The monthly “Iyalum Isaiyum” was held with 12 members participating with enthusiasm exhibiting their talents in singing.
Thursday 18 – Dr R. Rajayogan, Mrs Bharathy Krishnamoorthy and Mr Venkat Balakrishnan from “Geethasagara Music Group” entertained us with old and
new songs to suit the taste of the seniors.
Thursday 25 – “International Women’s Day” was celebrated with a variety of interesting programmes which made the day a memorable one. Dr (Mrs)
Vasuki Sithirasenan delivered a speech on “Suyam Enum Varam” revealing her vast knowledge in Tamil Language and literature. The dance exercise
performed by Mrs Niranjani Naguleswaran was expressive, creative, exemplary, beautiful, alluring and flawless. Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan sang the
songs gracefully composing the music herself for the lyrics written by Dr Ilamuruganar Bharathi. The credit for the success of this year’s celebrations goes
to Dr Nithi Sivathondan who organized the whole event while she herself participating in the event with enthusiasm.
APRIL 2021
Thursday 1 – “Iyalum Isaiyum” programme was held with the participation of 13 members singing their favourite songs.
Thursday 8 – Mr Mylvaganam Thanabalasingam spoke on “rpyg;gjpfhu ahj;jpiu” which brought new insights on the epic and drew the audience in and held
their attention for about an hour. There was never a dull moment.
Thursday 15 – Super singer fame Sonia gave a memorable musical feast from Kochin, Kerala, India. We felt her singing go through their ears as her
melodious voice echoed the feelings the songwriter had meant for the listener to feel. Listening to her music was a transcending experience and we hope to
hear much more in the future.
Thursday 22 – “Iyal Arangam” – Mr Ponmailainathan, Mr VM Thevarajan and Mr Mahalingam shared their experiences and some jokes which amused the
audience. The President asked to express their opinion whether to continue to have this programme once a month and many supported it. Three of the
members present, came forward to speak at the next meeting.
Thursday 29 – Mrs. Balam Lakshmanan delivered a speech on “Pilgrimage”. She mentioned in her speech that all of humanity are on a pilgrimage. A life
journey of discovery and experiences which bind us all together in a common bond. Spiritual journeys that are made add to the human experience bringing
magic and wonder on our journey offering fascinating dimensions to our very existence. It was a divine speech well received by the audience.
MAY 2021
Thursday 6 – The monthly “Isai Arangam” was held with the participation of twelve members. The credit to the programme is that most of the singers have
started to sing, the first song in their life only in our Association stage.
Thursday 13 – “Iyal Arangam” – Mr P. Panchadcharam spoke on “கர்மர் வினையும், யோகங்களும், தோஷங்களும்” and Mr. Sivasooriyar spoke on
“என்னைக் கவர்ந்ர் ந்த இசை யும் நினைவில் நிலைத்த நினைவுகளும்”. The audience appreciated and enjoyed both the performances.
Thursday 20 – “Sangeetha Pooshanam” KalaGnani gave a music recital which was well received and kept the audience spell bounded.
Thursday 27 – Mr Maavai Nithiyanandan spoke on “Unspoken truth about Water, Land & the People”. His speech was very informative and the audience
was captivated by his vast knowledge on the subject and the eloquence.
JUNE 2021
Thursday 3 – “Isai Arangam” – Thirteen members participated and sang songs and entertained the members.
Thursday 10 – Dr. Jeyasingam Jeyamohan gave a talk on “முதுமை இன்பம் இன்பம்”. His delivery of the speech was so engaging that the audience
lost all track of time. The Secretary gave the vote of thanks.
JULY 2021
Thursday 1 – “Isai Arangam” – It was very encouraging that 12 members participated and kept the audience engaged by their musical talents.
Thursday 08 – Mr. T. Thirunanthakumar, well known orator from Kamban Kazhagam spoke on “Karnan” which is a character from Maha Bharatha. The speech was well received and
appreciated by the audience.
Thursday 15 – Well known Radio Announcer Mr Raguram presented a musical treat “Isai Velai” with Gnana Asokan and Vani Nirojan from London. They sang several super hit songs with
Karaoke accompaniment. It was a real day of enjoyment to all of us.
Thursday 22 – ‘Thamil Mani’ Akalankan from Jaffna spoke on “Thoughts on Maha Bharatha” . His speech drew the audience in and held their attention for one and a half full hours. There was
never a dull moment.
Thursday 29 – Dr Paran Sithamparakumar delivered a talk on “Contentment in old age”. His speech on the topic expressed both the positive and negative aspects of this important topic. The
audience showed their approval of the speech by their prolonged applause.
Thursday 05 – 14 participants exhibited their singing talents at the “Isai Arangam” held today.
Thursday 12 – Ms Jodi McKay MP, Cr Karen Pensabene and Cr Maryanne Luggan gave speeches updating the present status of the pandemic in NSW.
Then it was followed by the interesting speech by Mr Jeiram Jegatheesan of Australia Kamban Kazhalagam on the topic “Iniya Vaai Sol Nalan”.
Thursday 19 – Mr J. Radhakrishnan and Mr S. Poopalaratnam participated in the “Iyal Arangam and delivered speeches on “How to lead a happy life” and
“Meditation gives Clarity” respectively. Both the speakers grabbed the audience’s attention from the start and there was never a dull moment.
Thursday 26 – Well known Tamil Activist and orator Mr Mylvaganam Thanabalasingam delivered a speech on Kamban’s Indrajith.
Thursday 02 – “Isai Arangam” was held with the participation of 14 members who sang songs from films and entertained the audience.
Thursday 09 – Dr(Mrs)Sivarathy Ketheeswaran gave a carnatic music recital which was received well by the audience.
Thurssday 16 – Well known Tamil orator, poet and researcher Dr Malini Ananda Krishnan delivered a speech on “We are our happiness and sorrow.
Thursday 23 – “Iyal Arangam” – Dr G.Gnanasampanthan delivered a speech on “Search for what you know.” and Mr P. Panchadcharam spoke on “World
Disasters and Planetary Positions at that time.”. Both the speeches were very interesting and were appreciated by the audience.
Thursday 30 – Sleep & Resspiratory Physician, Dr (Mrs) Rajeev Ratnavadivel spoke on “Sleep Heaalth & Ageing” which was relevant to the Seniors and was very beneficial.
OCTOBER 2021 Thursday 7 – “Isai Arangam” – 15 members
participated and sang their favourite songs and show cased their talents.
Thursdday 14 – Prof. Paul Manuel delivered a speech on “Which is a shadow? Which is real?” His speech was well received by he audience as it was all
about our motherlan.
Thursday 21 – Consultant Eye Surgeon Dr Narmadai Deva delivered an interesting speech on “Age Related Eye diseases”. Our memberrs asked several
questions and the speaker gave the answers with details and cleared their doubts.
Thursday 28 – Members’ Day – Consultant Gynocologist & Obstetrician Dr A Ganeshalingam delivered a speech on “Menopause and its Consequences”.
All our lady members listened to the speech attentively.
Thursday 4 – Deepavali Celebrations – Mrs Ketheeswary Paheerathan gave us a music recital. Ms Sounthari Ganeshan gave speech on “தமிழர்
வாழ்வில் இசை த் தமிழ்”.
Thursday 11 – “Isai Arangam” 18 members participated with enthusiasam and sang songs of their choice.
Thursday 18 – Dr M. Varagunan joined via Google Meet and gave a fantastic medical advice for several diseases of the aged population. He slso sang
some favourite songs of seniors. It was really a memorable day.
Thursday 2 -Farewell to Hon. Jodi McKay MP for Strathfield who is retiring from politics. President Mr. A. Sivathondan, Past Presidents, Mr S.
Suntheralingam, Mr Shiva Pasupati and Mr K.S. Rajanayagam i9n praise of her services rendered to the Tamil Community and the Tamil Senior Citizens’
Association.. Jodi McKay addressed the audience and thanked for the love and support shown by our Community and especially our Association. Please
Click Here ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 9 – The Annual General Meeting was held from 9.30 a.m. at the Strathfield Town Hall with the required quorum despite the restrictions due to the
pandemic. A new Committee was announced by the Returning Officer which appears under Management Committees in the main menu. Please Click Here
( to view the photo album.
One of our member Mrs Swarnajothi Pararajasingam celebrated her 100th birthday on the 27th of Nov. 2021 and the Association President Mr A.
Sivathondan interviewed her and congradulated her on behalf of the members of TSCA. Please Click Here
( to watch the video of the interview.
Dr V. Sabaratnam too celebrated his 100th Birthday on the 1st of Dec. 2021 and our Association President Mr A. Sivathondan interviewed him and
congradulated him on behalf of all the members of TSCA. Please Click Here ( to watch the video clip.
Thursday 16 – Christmas Carol via Google Meet – The Celebrations commenced with the welcome address by the President Mr P. Panchadcharam. A team
lead by Mr Elmo Xavier and Mrs Nightingale Yogarajah organized the event in a grand manner despite the state restrictions due to the pandemic. The
service was opened by Dr Nithi Sivathondan with her “Call to worship”. Songs celebrating the birth of Jesus were sung by Mr & Mrs Elmo Xavier, Mrs C.
Gnanasambandan, Mrs Elizebeth Rodrigo, Mrs Moira Phillips, Mr & Mrs Elmo Xavier, Mr Kuhanandan, Mrs Rita Sathiyamoorthy, Mrs Nightingale Yogarajah
and Dr Nithi Sivathondan. Rev. G. Nadarajah delivered a very encouraging Christmas Message. The Carol Service concluded with Mr & Mrs Elmo Xavier
singing “We wish to you a Merry Christmas”.
Thursday 9 – இவ் வா ராந்த ஒன்று கூடலில் உள்ளக விளை யா ட்டுட் போ ட்டிட் கள் இடம்பெ ற்றன. மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திரு எம். பா லகிருஷ்ணன், திரு பீ.
தம்பிராஜா , டா க்டர் வீ. சபா ரத்தினம், மற்றும் திருமதி ஆர்.ர் மதனகோ பா லன் ஆகியோ ர் அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். அன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட்
ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும். Indoor Games were played at the Weekly Meeting held on this day. Pleae
click Here ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 16 – இன்றை ய தினம் தை பொ ங்கல் வெ கு சிறப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து. திரு மயில்வா கனம் தனபா லா லசிங்கம் அவர்கர் ளி ன் “பா ரதியா ரும்
நவீன உலகமும்” எனும் தலை ப்பிலா ன சொ ற்பொ ழிவும் Dr யதுகிரி லோ கதா சன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் இன்னி சை க் ச்சேச் சேரியும் நடை பெ ற்று பொ ங்கல் பிரசா தங்களும்
வழங்கப்படடன. ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும் . Thai Pongal” was celebrated with a special speech by Mr
Mylvaganam Thanabalasingam on “Bharathy and Modern World” Dr (Miss) Yathugiri Logathassan. delighted the audience by her music recital. Delicious “Pongal Prasaatham” was
distributed to all present. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 23 – சட்டட் த்தரணியும் மே டை ப் பே ச்சாச் சாளருமா ன திரு பகவதா ஸ் ஸ்ரீஸ்கந்ததா ஸ் அவர்கர் ள் “பா ரதியின் பின் தமிழ் கவிதை ” எனும் தலை ப்பில்
உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே (சொ டுக்கவும்.
The popular Barrister and Tamil Orator Mr Bagavadas Sriskandadas delivered a speech on “Tamil Poems after Bharathi” Please click HERE
( to view the photo album.
Thursday30-இசை யும்கலை யும்” இன்றை ய நி கழ்வில் 20 அங்கத்தினர் உற்சா கத்துத் டன் பங்கு பற்றி பக்திப் பா டல்களை பா டினா ர்கர் ள். இன்று எடுக்கப்படட
ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும் (click).
20 members participated with enthusiasm in the “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” programme and sang Bakthi Songs. Please click HERE ( to view the
photo album.
Thursday 13 – வெ ளிக்கள விளை யா ட்டுட் ப் போ ட்டிகள் – மழை கா ரணமா க ஏயறே பூங்கா வில் விளை யா டப்பட வே ண்டிய இப் போ ட்டிகள் யா வும் நா ம்
கூடும் மண்டபத்துக்கு உள்ளே யே நடா த்த வே ண்டியதா யிற்று. அங்கத்தினர் சூழ்நி லை க்கே ற்ப உற்சா கத்துடன் விளை யா ட்டுட் களில்
பங்குபற்றினா ர்கர் ள். இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும். Due
to rains, the outdoor games had to be played indoors at the venue of our weekly meetings. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 20 – – இசை யும் கலை யும் – இன்று நடை பெ ற்ற இந்நி கழ்வில் 16 அங்கத்தினர் ஆர்வர் த்துத் டனும் உற்சா கத்துத் டனும் பங்குபற்றி திரை
இசை ப் பா டல்களை ப் பா டினர்.ர் இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும். 16
members participated in the “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” programme and sang songs. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 27 – உள்ளக மற்றும் வெ ளி க்கள விளை யா ட்டுட் போ ட்டிட் களி னதும், துடுப்பா ட்டட் போ ட்டிட் யினதும் வெ ற்றியா ளர்கர் ளுக்கு பரிசு வழங்கல்
இத்தினத்தில் இடம்பெ ற்ற நி கழ்வுகளி ன் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே (சொ டுக்கவும். Cricket Match & Prize
Giving Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 23 – Started to hold meetings on line through Google Meet. 12 members particpated in the “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” Programme and sang songs.
Thursday 30 – Mrs Saro Suntheralingam and Mrs Caren Pensabene delivered speeches on line via Google Meet.
Thursday 6 – Dr Varagunan from Canada joined and spoke on “Tips for good health” and also gave a good film music recital.
Thursday 13 – Mr. T. Thirunanthakumar gave a speech on “புதிய இயல்பு வா ழ்க்கை “.
Thursday 20 – Mrs Kalaiyarasi Chinniah delivered a speech on “நி லை யா மை யும் மா ற்றமும்”.
Thursday 27 – Mr Raj Kumar and Theo Sujiraj gave a music concert “இசை மா லை “.
Thursday 3 – Dr Nalayini Sugirthan delivered a speech on “Prevention of diseases by Screening”/
Thursday 10 – Hon. Jodi McKay, MP and Leader of the Opposition spoke on “Current Priorities as Leader of the Opposition & Multicultural Affairs”.
Thursday 17 – Mr. M. Thanabalasingam delivered a speech on “கனகி புராணம்”.
Thursday 24 – Dr. Aaruthirumurugan spoke on “Thoughts of Bharathiyar” joining us from Jaffna.
Thursday 1 – Dr.R. Rajayogan and Miss Abinaya Prabahar gave us a musical treat “இசை க்க கதம்பம்”
Thursday 8 – Dr. (Mrs) Nithi Sivathondan gave us a speech on “Living with Chronic Pain”.
Thursday 15 – “Iyalum Isaiyum” Programme was conducted and 14 members participated and sang songs.
Thursday 22 – “Saraswathy Poojah” was held and a speech was given by Mrs Balam Lakshmanan On “Let us worship Godess
of Navarathri”.
Thursday 29 – Mr. J. Jeyram of Kamaban Kazhagam spoke on “Vaan Sabaiyin Maadchiyum Veelchiyum” and
Ms Mrs Amirthakala Gnanaratnam gave a music recital.
Thursday 5 – “Iyalum Isaiyum” programme was conducted with 15 participants who sang film songs.
Thursday 12 – ‘Deepavali’ was celebrated with special programmes comprising of a speech by Mrs Mathuranthaki Vythilingam
on “Thamilarin Vaalviyalum Thaalaattum” and a music recital by Mrs Kertheeswary Pakeerathan.
Thursday 19- Dr. A.Ganeshalingam, V.O.G. spoke on “Human Immunity System”.
Thursday 26 – Fifteen members participated and sang film songs and one member spoke about a few old songs.
Thursday 3 – Dr. Chitra Harinesan spoke on the topic “Aged to live in good health..”. Her speech was very informative and was well received by the audience.
Thursday 10 – Dr Suntharesan Gnanasambantham joined us from Rhodes, USA via Google Meet and spoke on “நா ன் யா ர்,ர் என் உள்ளம் யா ர்,ர் என் ஞா னங்கள் யா ர்,ர் என்னை
யா ர் அறிவா ர்?ர் . He emphasized on the importance of service to mankind and elaborated on his involvement in setting up of a Tamil Chair in the Haward University in USA.
Thursday 17 – Christmas was celebrated with carol songs were sung by Choir consisting of TSCA members and the Christmas Message and Benediction was delivered by Rev. G..
Thursday 17 – தை பொ ங்கல், திரு ஜெ யராம் ஜெ கதீசன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் சொ ற்பொ ழிவுடனும் , அமிர்தர் கலா ஞா னரத்னம் அவர்கர் ளி ன்
இன்னி சை யுடனும் சிறப்பா க நடை பெ ற்றது. Thaipongal was celebrated with a speech by Mr Jeiram Jegatheesan from Kamban Kalagam and music recital by Ms Amirthakala
Gnanaratnam. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album..
Thursday 24 – பிரபல சட்டட் த்தரணி திரு ப . சிறிஸ்கந்ததா ஸ் அவர்கர் ள் “வள்ளுவனி ன் வா க்கும் கம்பனி ன் விளக்கமும்” எனும் தலை ப்பில்
உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் Barrisiter P. Sriskandadas spoke on “Valluvar’s Sayings and Kamban’s Explanation” Please click HERE ( to view
the photo album.
Thursday 14 “பிரம்மகுமா ரிகள் தியா ன மை யத்தை ச்”ச் சா ர்ந்ர் ந்த சகோ தரர் உமா கா ந்தன் அவர்கர் ள் “நி பந்தனை யற்ற அன்பு” எனும் தலை ப்பில் சொ ற்
பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர்.ர் Bro. Umakaanthan from “Brahmakumaris Meditation Centre” spoke on “Unconditional Love” Please click HERE
( to view the phto album.
Thursday 28 இன்றை ய தினம் “ஏயறே ” பூங்கா வில் நடை பெ ற்ற வருடா ந்த வெ ளி க்கள விளை யா ட்டுட் போ ட்டிட் களி ல் அங்கத்தவர்கர் ள் உற்சா கத்துத் டன்
பங்குபற்றினா ர்கர் ள். Our members participated in the Annual Outdoor Games Competitions with enthusiasm. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album of the events.
Thursday 7 – Hon. Ms. Jodi McKay, M.P. for Strathfield addressed our members today. Please click HERE ( to view the photo
album.. ஸ்ரத்பீல்ட் பா .உ . ஜோ தி மக்கே அவர்கர் ள் இன்று எமது சங்க அங்கத்தினர்க்ர் க்கு உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர்
Thursday 14 – Weekly Meeting – Dr. M. Varagunan and Dr Ms Praba entertained us with their singing talent. They also gave very useful tips to maintain our physical and mental
health. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album. Dr. மஹாதே வன் வரகுணன் அவர்கர் ளும் Dr (செ ல்வி)
பிரபா அவர்கர் ளும் இணை ந்து பா டி இன்னி சை விருந்தொ ன்றினை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். இடை யிடை யே எமது ஆரோ க்கியத்துக்கு அவசியமா ன
பயனுள்ள பல மருத்துவ துணுக்குகளை யும் கூறி மகிழ்வித்தா ர்கர் ள்.
22 – 27 – எமது அங்கத்தவர்கர் ள் 26 பே ர் “கா ர்னிர் னிவல் ஸ்பிரிட்”ட் எனும் கப்பலில் ரஸ்மே னி யா வுக்கு உல்லா ச பயணம் செ ன்றா ர்கர் ள். இது அவர்கர் ளுக்கு வா ழ்வில்
மறக்கமுடியா த ஒரு அனுபவமா க அமை ந்தது. 26 of our members went on a cruise to Tasmania and this was a fascianating and memorable trip. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album.
Thursday 28 – – துடுப்பா ட்டப் போ ட்டி ‘எயரே ‘ பூங்கா வில் நடை பெ ற்ற போ ட்டியில் எமது அங்கத்தினர் உற்சா கத்துடன் பங்குபற்றினர். இந்நி கழ்வில்
நா ம் எடுத்துக்கொ ண்ட ஒளிப்பதிவுகள் சிலவற்றை க் கா ணஇங்கே (கிளிக் செ ய்யவும். Our members
participated with enthusiasm in the Cricket Match played at the Airey Park on 28.03.19. You may click HERE ( to view the
photo album.
Thursday 4 –
நலம்புரிச் சங்கத்தின் வருடா ந்தப் பொ துக்கூட்டட் ம் வெ கு சிறப்பா க நடை பெ ற்று நடப்பா ண்டுக்கா ன புதிய அறங்கா வல் குழுவும் தெ ரிவுசெ ய்யப்பட்டட் து.
இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும். The AGM of the BENSOC was held
and the new office bearers were elected for the current financial year. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 11 – சுவா மி ரமணா ஸ்வரூபா னந்தா அவர்கர் ள் “மகிழ்ச்சிச் யா ன வா ழ்வுக்கா ன குறிப்புகள்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் இந்நி கழ்வை த்
தொ டர்ந்ர் ந்து உட்கட் ள மற்றும் வெ ளி க்கள விளை யா ட்டுட் ப் போ ட்டிட் களி ல் வெ ற்றியீட்டிட் யோ ருக்கா ன பரிசு வழங்கும் வை பவம் இடம்பெ ற்றது. ஸ்ட்ரட் த்பீ ல்ட் நகர
பிதா , பா .உ ஜோ தி மக்கே மற்றும் சில கவுன்சிலர்கர் ள் வருகை தந்து சிறப்பித்துத் பரிசில்களை யும் வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். Swami Ramana Suwarupanantha delivered a talk
on “Tips for Joyful living” followed by Prize Giving for the winners of the Indoor and Outdoor Games. Hon. Jodi Mc Kay MP, Mayor of Strathfield Council and some Councillors graced the
occasion and awarded the prizes to the winners. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 18 – Tamil New Year Celebrations – A music recital by Ms Madhuvanthi Pakeerathan and a speech by Senchotselvar Dr Aaruthirumurugan were the highlights of the
Celebrations. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album. இக்கொக் கொ ண்டா ட்டட் த்தின் விசே ட நி கழ்ச்சிச் களா க செ ல்வி மதுவந்தி
பகீரதன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் இசை விருந்தும் செ ஞ்சொ ற்செ ல்வர் கலா நி தி ஆறுதிருமுகன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் “புத்தா ண்டும் தமிழர் பா ரம்பரியமும்” எனும்
தலை ப்பிலா ன சொ ற்பொ ழிவும் இடம்பெ ற்றன. இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே
( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 02 – திரு எஸ். பொ ன்மயிலை நா தன் அவர்கர் ள் “நி னை வில் நி ன்ற பா டல்கள்” எனும் தலை ப்பிலா ன ஓர் இசை நி கழ்ச்சிச் யை வீடியோ க்களுடன்
நி கழ்த்தினா ர்.ர் அத்துத் டன் தமது 55 வது திருமணநா ளை யும் கொ ண்டா டி மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கும் அனுசரணை வழங்கி மகிழ்வித்தா ர்.ர் இன்றை ய தினம்
எடுக்கப்படட ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும். Mr S. Ponmailainathan presented a programme on
Nostalgic Songs with video. He also celebrated his 55th Wedding Anniversary and hosted the lunch. Plese click HERE ( to view the
photo album.
Thursday 9 – பே ரா சிரி யர் Dr A.C. கந்தரா ஜா அவர்கர் ள் “கிணற்றடி விவசா யம் ” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர். இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்ட
ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( கிளிக் செ ய்யவும். Prof. Dr. A.C. Kantharajah delivered an interesting and informative
speech on “Home Gardening” which was well received by the audience. Please click Here ( to view the photo album. Mrs Rita
Sathiamoorthy hosted the lunch.
Thursday 16 – இன்றை ய தினம் “பிங்க் சா றி ” எனும் அமை ப்பை ச் சா ர்ந்த விஜி தயா நா தன் அவர்கர் ள் குடல் புற்று நோ ய் தொ டர்பா ன விழிப்புணர்வைர் வை
ஏற்படுத்துமுகமா க “Your Bowel Matters” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர். திருமதி நே சம் கந்தசா மி அவர்கர் ள் தமது பிறந்த நா ளை கொ ண்டா டி
மதிய போ சனத்துக்கு அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் இன்று எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே
( கிளிக் செ ய்யவும். Mrs Viji Dhayanathan from Pink Sari Inc. delivered a speech on “Your Bowel Matters” creating
awareness on Bowel Cancer. Mrs N. Kanthasamy celebrated her birthday and hosted the lunch. Please click HERE ( to
view the photo album.
Thursday 23 – “மகளிர் தினம்” வெ கு சிறப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டது. இத்தினத்தில், “தா த்தா மா ர் ததிங்கிணத்தோ ம்” எனும் தலை ப்பிலா ன இரு
நா டகங்களும், நகை ச்சுச் வை நி கழ்ச்சிச் யும், மற்றும் பா டல்களும் இடம்பெ ற்றன. திருமதி கலை யரசி சின்னை யா அவர்கர் ள் நயப்புரை
வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். இன்று எடுக்கப்படட ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( கிளிக் செ ய்யவும். திரு அ . சிவதொ ண்டன் அவர்கர் ள தன் பிறந்த நா ளை க் கொ ண்டா டி மதியபோ சனத்துக்கு அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர். “Women’s” Day was celebrated with two
dramas, stand up comedy and musical entertainment. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album. Please Click to watch
the programmes in video in three parts. Part I ( Part II ( Part III (
Thank you Dr R. Ravindrarajah for videoing our programme and uploading them to YouTube.
Thursday 13.- Weekly Meting – Lunch was hosted in memory of our founder member Mrs Pathmavathy Arumainayagam by her family. Mr Samy Pasupathy spoke about the services she has
rendered to the Tamil Community. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album. எமது சங்கத்தின் ஆரம்பகா ல
உறுப்பினரான அமரர் திருமதி பத்மா வதி அருமை நா யகம் அவர்கர் ளி ன் நி னை வா க அன்னா ரின் குடும்பத்தினர் இன்றை ய மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு
அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். அவர் தா யகத்திலும், இந்நா ட்டிட் லும் எமது சமூகத்துத் க்கு ஆற்றிய சே வை கள் பற்றி திரு சா மி பசுபதி அவர்கர் ள்
உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்படட ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ணமே லே உள்ள HERE எனும் சொ ல்லில் சொ டுக்கவும் (click)
27.06.19 – வியா ழக்கிழமை – பா ட்டுட் க்குப் பா ட்டுட்
இந் நி கழ்வை திரு சுஜி அவர்கர் ளும் திரு இராஜ்குமா ர் அவர்கர் ளும் தொ குத்துத் வழங்க எம் அங்கத்தினர் உற்சா கத்துத் டன் பா டல்களை பா டி மகிழ்வித்தா ர்கர் ள்.
இத்தினத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட் ட ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும் (click)
“Paaddukku Paaddu” was conducted by Mr Suji and Mr Rajkumar and the members participated and sang songs with zeal. Please click above to view the albums. Mr. K.Thangarajah, Mrs.
R.Thirunavukkarasu, Mr V.M.Thevarajan and Mr T. Thirugnanasambandar who celebrated ther birthdays during the month of June hosted the lunch.
Thursday 25 – “ஆடவர் தினம்” இயல் இசை நா டகம் என பல் சுவை நி கழ்ச்சிச் களுடன் எல்லோ ரும் ரசிக்கும் வகை யில் நடை பெ ற்றது. “இவர் எனக்கு வே ண்டா ம்”
எனும் நகை ச்சுச் வை நா டகமும் பா டல்களும், மற்றும் ‘மவுத் ஓகன் ‘ இசை யும் பலரும் பா ராட்டுட் ம் வகை யில் அமை ந்திருந்தன. நா டகத்தை திரு தே வராஜன்
அவர்கர் ள் எழுத அவருடன் திரு சுந்தரலிங்கம் அவர்கர் ளும் திரு நகுலே ஸ்வரன் அவர்கர் ளும் நடித்திருந்தா ர்கர் ள். திரு பா லா திருநா வுக்கரசு அவர்கர் ளும் திரு
பொ ன்மயிலை நா தன் அவர்கர் ளும் திரு தே வராஜன் அவர்கர் ளும் பா டல்கள் பா டி ரசிக்க வை த்தா ர்கர் ள். திரு சிவசூரியர் தனது மவுத் ஒகனி ல் பல பா டல்களை
ஒன்றிணை த்துத் அருமை யா க வா சித்துத் ரசிகர்கர் ளை தா ளம் போ ட வை த்தா ர்.ர் இத்தினத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட்ட்ட் ட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே
( சொ டுக்கவும் (clicki)
Men’s Day was celebrated on a grand scale with a drama on caption “Enakku Ivar Vendaam”, written by Mr V.M. Th evarajan and acted with him were Mr S. Suntheralingam and Mr A.
Naguleswaran. Mr Thirunavukkarasu and Mr Ponmailainathan sang captivating songs while Mr Sivasooriyar presented a few songs on his Mouth Organ. All programmes were well received
by the audience. Mr. Radhakrishnan delivered a speech of appreciation and Mr Kalavalai Seyon proposed the vote of thanks. thanks.. Dr.K. Kugathasan, Mr. R. Sriskantharajah, Mrs N.
Naguleswaran, Mrs D. Kulasekerran, and Mrs B. Gananadha who celebrated their birthdays during the month of July hosted the lunch. Please click on the word “இங்கே ‘ above to view the
photo album. Please click HERE ( to watch the video of the “Men’s Day” programmes.
Thursday 22 – Arts & Crafts Exhibition – There were a good collection of hand made art, craft and paintings on show. It was a dazzling showcase of the immense creativity and skills of our
members. Cr. Karen Pensabene graced the event as the Chief Guest and opened the Exhibition by cutting the ribbon. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album.
Thursday 29 – “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” – 18 members participated and sang songs entertaining the audience. The lunch was hosted by Mr S. Suntheralingam, Mr R. Kandasamythurai, Mrs
Kamala Sivanandarajasingam, Mrs M.J. Paul and Mr T.S. Selvanathan.
Sunday 8 – Grandchildren’s Day : The day was celebrated at the Uniting Church Hall, Carrington Avenue, Strathfield,
with the participation of 24 grandchildren. They entertained the audience with their dances, speeches, songs and instrumental music on violin. clarinet and guitar. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album.
Thursday 12 – – Review Meeting – This meeting was specially held to express the views and comments of the
members on the activities of the Association and the BENSOC during the past one year. There were questions from the members which were clarified and suggestions were taken into
consideration. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Saturday 14.- 28th Annual General Meeting of TSCA
The AGM was held at the Strathfield Town Hall well attended by members. The Minutes of the Previous Meeting,Annual Report and the Audited Financial Report were tabled, discussed and
duly accepted by the General Body. A new Management Committee was elected for the year 2019/2020. Please click HERE ( to view the
photo album
Thursday 26 – பே ரா சிரி யர் (திருமதி) ஞா னா குலே ந்திரன் அவர்கர் ள் “பா டலும் உரை யா டலும்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் சொ ற்பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர். இந்
நி கழ்வில் அவரி ன் சங்கீத ஞா னம் வெ ளிப்படும் வகை யில் தம் இனி ய குரலில் பல பா டல்களை யும் பா டி மகிழ்வித்தா ர். இந் நி கழ்வில் எடுக்கப்பட் ட
ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும். (click).
Prof. (Mrs) Gnana Kulenthiran delivered a speech on “பா டலும் உரை யா டலும்” . Please click HERE ( to viehoto album
Thursday 03 – இவ்வா ண்டும் சரஸ்வதி பூசை யை பக்திபூர்வர் மா க நடா த்தினோ ம். இந் நி கழ்விற்கு திருமதி பா லம் லக்ஷ்மணன் அவர்கர் ளின் “அன்னை
வழிபா டு” பற்றிய ன்மீக உரை யும், செ ல்வி மதுவந்தி பகீரதன் அவர்கர் ளின் பக்தி இசை யும் அணி சே ர்த்ர் த் ன. இந் நா ளில் எடுக்கப்பட்ட
ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும். Pooja was performed with devotion invoking the blessings of
Goddess Saraswathy. The highlights of the day was the speech by Mrs Balam Lakshmanan on “அன்னை வழிபா டு” and the music recital by Ms Madhuvanthi
Pakeerathan. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 10 – எமது அங்கத்தவர் “சிலம்புச் சுடர்”ர் பராமசா மி பஞ்சா ட்சட் ரம் அவர்கர் ள் “கம்போ டியா வும் பண்டை ய இந்து ஆலயங்களும்”
எனும் பொ ருளி ல் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் இந் நி கழ்வில் எடுக்கப்படட ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும்.
இன்றை ய மத்திய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திரு பீ. பஞ்சா ட்ச்ட் சச் ரம் திரு பீ. பா ஸ்கரநா தன், மற்றும் திருமதி சரோ ஜினி நலந்துவன் ஆகியோ ர் அனுசரணை
வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். Our co-member “Silampu Chudar” Paramasamy Panchadcharam gave a speech on “Cambodia and Old Hindu Temples”. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album.
Thursday 17 – “இசை யும் கலை யும் ” நி கழ்ச்சிச் யிலே பன்னி ரெ ன்டு அங்கத்தினர்கர் ள் உற்சா கத்துடன் பங்குபற்றி,
பா டல்கள் பா டி மகிழ்வித்தா ர்கர் ள். இத்தினத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே
( சொ டுக்கவும் (click) 12 members participated and entertained the audience with their songs. Please click HERE
( to view the photos taken on this day.
Thursday 24 – Dr. சிற்றம்பலம் இரா கவன் அவர்கர் ள் “ஆரோ க்கியமா க வா ழ்தல்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட் ட
படங்களை ப் பா ர்க்ர் க் இங்கே (சொ டுக்கவும். Dr. Sittampalam Ragavan delivered a speech on “Healthy Living”. Please
click above to view the photo album.
Thursday 31 – தீபா வளி கொ ண்டா ட்டம் – இவ்வா ண்டு தீபா வளி கொ ண்டா ட்டத்தின் சிறப்பு நி கழ்ச்சிச் களாக தமிழ் ஆர்வர் லர் திரு
மயில்வா கனம் தனபா லசிங்கம் அவர்கர் ளின் “தமிழர் பண்பா டு அன்றும் இன்றும் ” எனும் தலை ப்பிலா ன உரை யும் ‘கலா வித்தகர்’ Dr. சிவரதி கே தீஸ்வரன் அவர்கர் ளின் இன்னி சை யும் இடம்பெ ற்றன. இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க்கா ணஇங்கே
( சொ டுக்கவும்.
The highlights of the Deepaavali Celebrations held this year were a speechon “Tamil Culture then and now” by renowned Tamil Scholar Mr Mylvaganam Thanabalasingam and a music recital
by “Kala Vithakar” thy Ketheeswaran. Please click above to view the photo album.
Thursday 14 – “இசை யும் கலை யும்” நி கழ்வில் கலந்துகொ ண்டு பலரும் தம் திறமை களை வெ ளி க்கொக் கொ ணர்ந்ர் ந்தா ர்கர் ள். அன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட்
ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும். Nine members participated in the monthly event “isaiyum Kalaiyum”
and exhibited their talents in singing. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 21 – நத்தா ர் இன்னி சை ஆரா தனை – இவ்வா ண்டின் ஆரா தனை கள் பலரும் பா ரா ட்டுட் ம் வகை யில் வெ கு சிறப்பா க நடை பெ ற்றது.
வணக்கத்துக்குரி ய வின்செ ன்ற் சவரி முத்து அவர்கர் ள் நத்தா ர் செ ய்தியை வழங்கினா ர். இந்நி கழ்வில் எடுக்கப்படட ஒளிப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண
இங்கே (சொ டுக்கவும் (click). Christmas Carol Services were conducted with the participation of our members with devotion. Rev.
Vincent Savarimuthu delivered the Christmas Message. Mr. S.C. Dickens, Mr. P. Arumugam, Mr R. Sathiyamoorthy and Mrs Rani Vijayaratnam hosted the lunch. Please click Here
( to view the photo album.
Thursday 28 – திரு வீ. குணரத்தினம் அவர்கர் ள் “தவறா ன நம்பிக்கை கள்” தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர். அவை யினா ல் பெ ரிதும் ரசிக்கப்படட இவ்வுரை யின்
பின் தமது 90 வது அகவை யினை எம்முடன் கொ ண்டா டி மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கும் அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் இந்நி கழ்வின்போ து எடுக்கப்பட்டட்
ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( சொ டுக்கவும் . Mr V. Gunaratnam spoke on “Superstitions” and hosted the lunch on the eve of
his 90th Birthday.Please click Here ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 05 – வா ராந்த ஒன்றுகூடல் – இன்றை ய தினம் திருமதி இந்திராதே வி பத்மநா தன் அவர்கர் ள் தமது பிறந்த நா ளை எம்முடன் கொ ண்டா டி மதிய
போ சனத்துத் க்கும் அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். இன்று எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே (
சொ டுக்கவும். Mrs Indradevi Pathmanathan celebrated her Birthday with us and hosted the lunch. Please click HERE ( to view the
Thursday 19 – நீரிழிவு நோ ய் தொ டர்பிர் லா ன கல்வியியலா ளர் திரு நா டர் அமனி யஸ் அவர்கர் ள் நீரிழிவு நோ யை கட்டுட் ப்படுத்தல்” எனும் தலை ப்பில்
உரை யா ற்றினா ர் பயன் தரும் இவ்வுரை அவை யினரின் பா ராட்டுட் க்கு பா த்திரமா னது. அன்றை யதின மத்திய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திருமதி ஏஸ். தர்மர் பா லன்,
திருமதி எல். தே வதா ஸ், திரு. எம் மஹா லிங்கம் வை த்திய கலா நி தி எஸ். சிவராஜசிங்கம் ஆகியோ ர் அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். திருமதி இத்தினத்தில்
எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே ( அழுத்தவும். Credentialled Diabetes Educator Mr Nader Armaneous
delivered a speech on “Management of Diabetes”. Mrs S. Tharmapalan, Mrs L.V. Devadas, Mr. M. Mahalingam and Dr. S. Sivarajasingam hosted the lunch for this day. The talk was
very informative and was well received by the audience. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
Thursday 11 – The monthly “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” event was held and 16 members participated with enthusiasm. One performed a dance recital while the others sang songs from movies.
Please click HERE ( to view album. மா தா ந்த ” இசை யும் கலை யும்” நி கழ்ச்சிச் யில் உற்சா கமா க 16 அங்கத்தவர்கர் ள்
பங்கெ டுத்துத் க்கொக் கொ ண்டா ர்கர் ள். ஒருவர் நடனமா ட 15 பே ர் திரை இசை ப் பா டல்களை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள்.
Thursday 18 -“Thai Pongal” was celebrated in a grand scale with a music recital by Miss Madhuvanthi Pakeerathan and a speech by Mrs Kalaiyarasi Chinniah on “Expatriate Tamils &
Cultural Festivals”. Please click HERE ( to view photo album. இன்றை ய தினம் பொ ங்கல் திருநா ள், செ ல்வி மதுவந்தி
பகீரதன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் இன்னி சை க் கச்சேச் சேரி யுடனும், திருமதி கலை யரசி சின்னை யா அவர்கர் ளி ன் “புலம் பெ யர் தமிழர்கர் ளும் பண்டிகை களும்” எனும்
தலை ப்பிலா ன உரை யுடனும் சிறப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து.
Thursday 25 – Tamil Scholar and Attorney at Law Mr Bagavadaas Sriskandadaas delivered a speech on “Impermanence in Tamil Literature” . Mrs Pathma Thangarajah hosted the
lunch. Please click HERE ( to view photo album. You may click Here ( for watching the video.பிரபல
சட்டட் த்தரணியும் தமிழ் ஆர்வர் லருமா கிய திரு பகவதா ஸ் சிறிஸ்கந்ததா ஸ் அவர்கர் ள் “இலக்கியத்தில் நி லை யா மை ” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர்
மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திருமதி பத்மா தங்கராஜா அவர்கர் ள் ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள்.
Thursday 8 – A drama version of the short story authored by Mrs Thevaky Karunakaran which was broadcasted in SBS Radio was again played for the members. Mr.R.Shanmuganathan
presented a humorous programme on Films. Please click Here ( to view the album. SBS வா னொ லி ஒலிச்சிச் த்திரமா க
வழங்கிய திருமதி தே வகி கருணா கரன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் “திண்டா டும் பண்பா டு” எனும் சிறுகதை மீண்டும் அங்கத்தவர்கர் ளுக்கா க ஒலிக்கப்பட்டட் து. தொ டர்ந்ர் ந்து
திரு R. ஷண்முகநா தன் அவர்கர் ள் திரை ப்படங்கள் தொ டர்பார் பான போ ட்டிட் நி கழ்ச்சிச் ஒன்றினை நடா த்தினா ர்.ர்
Thursday 15 – “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” monthly programme was held with the participation of 17 members. Two members performed dance and the others showcased their talents in singing.
Please click Here ( to view the photo album.
இம்மா த இசை யும் கலை யும் நி கழ்ச்சிச் யில் 17 அங்கத்தவர்கர் ள் உற்சா கமா க பங்கே ற்றா ர்கர் ள். இருவர் நடனமா ட மற்றை யோ ர் பா டல்கள் பா டி
மகிழ்வித்தா ர்கர் ள்.
Thursday 22 – Mr. Thirumugam Thiruarumugam gave an educative and illuminating speech on “Midieval Chola Temples of Polonnaruwa” which was well received by the audience. Mrs S
Suntheralingam delivered the vote of thanks. Please click Here ( to view the photo album.
திருமுகம் திருஆறுமுகம் அவர்கர் ள் ” பொ லொ ன்னறுவை யில் இடை க்கா ல சோ ழ இந்து ஆலயங்கள்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் ஆய்வுரை ஒன்றினை
வழங்கினா ர்.ர்
Thursday 8- The Outdoor Games Competitions were conducted with the active participation of members at the Airey Park. Please click Here
( to view the photo album. Mrs Rita Sathiyamoorthy and Mrs Kamala Krishnapillai celebrated their birthday and hosted the
lunch. வெ ளி க்கள விளை யா ட்டுட் போ ட்டிட் கள் அங்கத்தவர்கர் ளி ன் உற்சா கமா ன பங்களி ப்புடன் இடம்பெ ற்றன. திருமதி றீற்றா சத்தியமூர்த்ர் த்தியும் திருமதி
கமலா கிருஷ்ணபிள்ளை யும் தங்களி ன் பிறந்த நா ளை கொ ண்டா டி மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கும் அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள்.
Thursday 10 – We went on a tour to “Orange” with a full load of 55 persons and visited interesting tourists attractions like ‘Lake Canobolas’ and Botanic Gardens. The trip was memorable
and every one enjoyed it. Please click Here ( to view the photo album. பே ரூந்து மூலம் ஐம்பத்தை ந்து பே ர் ஆறு
மணித்தியா லங்கள் பிரயா ணம் செ ய்து ‘ஒரே ஞ்ச்’ச் எனும் சுற்றுலா மை யத்துத் க்கு செ ன்றோ ம். அங்கு Lake Canobolas மற்றும் Botanic Gardens போ ன்ற
இடங்களுக்கு செ ன்றோ ம். இச்சுச் ற்றுலா பசுமை யா ன நி னை வுகளை நெ ஞ்சிலே நி லை க்க வை த்துத் ள்ளது.
Thursday 22 -A friendly Cricket Match was played between the President’s Team and the Secretary’s Team with interest and enthusiasm. This was followedby the Prize Giving. His worship
the Mayor of Strathfield graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and gave away the prizes and shields to the winners and runners up. Mr. S. Suntheralingam proposed the vote of
thanks. Please click Here ( to view the photo album. தலை வர் அணி, செ யலா ளர் அணி என இரு அணிகளுக்கிடை யே
துடுப்பா ட்டட் ப் போ ட்டிட் இடம்பெ ற்றது. தொ டர்ந்ர் ந்து இடம்பெ ற்ற பரிசு வழங்கல் வை பவத்தில் ஸ்ட்ரட் த்பீல்ட் நகர பிதா பிரதம விருந்தினராக பங்குகொ ண்டு
வெ ற்றியா ளர்கர் ளுக்கு பரிசில்களை யும் கே டயங்களை யும் வழங்கினா ர்.ர் திரு எஸ். சுந்தரலிங்கம் நன்றியுரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர்
Thursday 12 – அன்று தமிழ் மூத்த பிரசை கள் சங்க நலன்புரிச் சங்கத்தின் ஒத்தி வை க்கப்பட்டட் வருடா ந்த பொ துக்கூட்டட் ம் பே ற்ஸ் வீதி சன சமூக நி லை ய
மண்டபத்தில் நடை பெ ற்றது. இதனை த் தொ டர்ந்ர் ந்து முன்நா ள் தலை வர் கே ணல் இராமநா தன் சீதா தம்பதியினரின் 60ம் ஆண்டு திருமண நி றை வு நா ள்
விழா இடம்பெ ற்றது. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
The adjourned AGM of the BENSOC was held at Bates Street Community Centre Hall. It was followed by the 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebrations of our former President Col. V.
Ramanathan & Seetha. Please click above to view the album.
Thursday 19 – மகளி ர் தினம் வெ கு சிறப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து. இரு நா டகங்களும், நடனங்கள் மற்றும் பா டல்கள் என பல்சுவை நி கழ்ச்சிச் கள்
இடம்பெ ற்று சபை யை மகிழ்ச்சிச் யில் ஆழ்த்தியது. அன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை கண்டு ரசிக்க இங்கே
( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும். Women’s day was celebrated with two dramas, dances and songs which were well appreciated by the audience.
Pllease click Here ( to viiew the photo album. For videos click : Part I ( Part II
( Part III (
Thursday 26 – தமிழ் புத்தா ண்டு வெ கு சிறப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து. விசே ட நி கழ்ச்சிச் களா க Dr. சிவரதி கே தீஸ்வரன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் இன்னி சை யும்,
செ ஞ்சொ ற்செ ல்வர் ஆறுதிருமுருகன் அவர்கர் ளி ன் சொ ற்பொ ழிவும் இடம்பெ ற்றன. செ யலா ளர் நன்றியுரை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் அனை வருக்கும் பொ ங்கல்
வழங்கப்பட்டட் து. Tamil New Year was celebrated with a music recital by Dr Sivarathy Ketheeswaran and a speech by Dr Aaru Thirumurugan. The Secretary delivered the vote of
thanks. Please click Here ( to view the album.
10 Thursday – ஸ்ரத்பீல்ட் பா .உ. ஜோ தி மக்கே அவர்கர் ளும் கிரான்வில் பா .உ. ஜூ லியா பின் அவர்கர் ளும் தா ம் அண்மை யில் மே ற்கொ ண்ட யா ழ்ப்பா ண
விஜயம் பற்றிய அனுபவங்களை எம்முடன் பகிர்ந்ர் ந்துகொ ண்டா ர்கர் ள். Hon. Jodi McKay, MP for Strathfield and Hon. Julia Finn, MP for Granville shared their experiences on
their recent visit to Jaffna.Please click Here ( to view the photo album.
15th to 19th – Our members enjoyed a Cruise which was facilitated by TSCA. (
click HERE ( to view the album.
தமிழ் மூத்த பிரசை கள் சங்கத்தினா ல் ஒழுங்குசெ ய்யப்பட்டட் உல்லா சக்கப்பல் பயணத்தில் பங்குகொ ண்டு மகிழ்ந்திருந்த எம் அங்கத்தவர்கர் ளி ன் அந்த
இனி ய கணங்களி ல் சிலவற்றின் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண மே லே ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யுங்கள்.
24 Thursday – அங்கத்தவர் தினம் – தமிழ் ஆர்வர் லர் திரு மயில்வா கனம் தனபா லசிங்கம் அவர்கர் ள் “நெ ஞ்சை அள்ளும் சிலப்பதிகா ரம்” எனும்
தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் Tamil Scholar Mr Mylvaganam Thanapalasingam delivered a speech on “Heart Touching Silappathikaaram” Please click HERE
( to view the photo album
14 Thursday – கம்பன் கழகத்தை ச் சா ர்ந்ர் ந்த பிரபல மே டை ப் பே ச்சாச் சாளர் திரு திருநா வுக்கரசு திருநந்தகுமா ர் அவர்கர் ள் “இலக்கியச் சிந்தனை கள்” எனும்
தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் Well known Tamil Orator from the Australia Kamban Kazzhagam Mr. T. Thirunanthankumar delivered a talk on “Thoughts on Tamil Literature” Please
click Here ( to view the photo album.
28 Thursday – இன்று நடை பெ ற்ற “பா ட்டுட் க்கு பா ட்டுட் ” நி கழ்ச்சிச் யை பிரபல வா னொ லி அறிவிப்பா ளர் திருமதி சோ னா பிறின்ஸ் சிறப்பா க தொ குத்துத்
வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். செ யலா ளர் நன்றியுரை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் மதியபோ சனத்துத் க்கு திரு வீ.எம். தே வராஜன் அவர்கர் ளும் திரு கே . தங்க ராஜா அவர்கர் ளும் ஆதரவு
வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். செ யலா ளர் நன்றியுரை ஆற்றினா ர்.ர் இந் நி கழ்வில் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை ப் பா ர்க்ர் க் இங்கு கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
( ” Paaddukku Paaddu ” was conducted by the well known Radio Announcer of ATBC, Mrs Sona Prince in an excellent manner. The
Secretary delivered the vote of thanks. Lunch was hosted by Mr VM Thevarajan and Mr. K. Thanga Rajah.
5 Thursday – Prof. Sathiyamoorthy delivered a philosephical discourse on “Mental Resource is Community Resource ” which was received by the audience. Vote of thanks was given by Mr.
Thevarajan. Mrs S. Thuraisamy hosted the lunch..Please clickHere ( to view the photo album. தமிழ் நா ட்டிட் லிருந்து வருகை
தந்திருந்த பே ராசிரியர் சத்தியமூர்த்ர் த்தி அவர்கர் ள் “மனவளமே சமுதா ய வளம்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் செ யலர் நன்றியுரை வழங்கினா ர்.ர்
இன்றை ய தின மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திருமதி எஸ். துரை சா மி ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்.ர்
- – Saturday – பே ரப்பிள்ளை கள் தினம் பே ரப்பிள்ளை கள் தினம் வெ கு சிறப்பா க ஸ்ட்ரட் த்பீல்ட் கரிங்ரன் சே ர்ச்ர் ச் மண்டபத்தில் கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து. எம்
மதிப்புக்குரிய திரு சிவா பசுபதி அவர்கர் ள் கலந்துகொ ண்டு பிள்ளை களுக்கு சா ன்றிதழ்களை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் Grandchildren’s Day was celebrated at the Carrington
Church Hall, Strathfield. Our former President Mr Siva Pasupathy awarded the Certificates of Appreciation to the grandchildren who performed on the stage. Please click Here
( to view the Photo Album - -Thursday – அங்கத்தவர்கர் ள் தினம் – திரு ஆ. குகராஜா அவர்கர் ள் “சில நி னை வுகள் ” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் திரு கல்வளை சே யோ ன்
அவர்கர் ள் தம் பிறந்த நா ளை எம்முடன் கொ ண்டா டி மதிய போ சன விருந்தளி த்தா ர்.ர்
Mr.A. Kugarajah delivered a speech on “A few Memories”. Mr. Kalvai Seyon celebrated his birthday and hosted the lunch. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album.
19.07.18 – “இசை யும் கதை யும்” இன்றை ய நி கழ்ச்சிச் யில் 18 அங்கத்தினர் உ ற்சா கத்துத் டன் பங்குகொ ண்டு பக்திப்பா டல்களை ப் பா டி மகிழ்வித்தா ர்கர் ள்.
மது;அன்றை ய தின மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு யோ கா சுப்பிரமணியம் ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். 18 members participated and sang devotional songs at today’s “Isaiyum
Kathaiyum” programme. Ms Yoga Subramaniam hosted the lunch. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
26.07.18 – ‘ Men’s Day’ ‘ ஆடவர் தினம் ‘ – “எங்க கலா ச்சாச் சாரம்” எனும் நா டகம், “அவுஸ்திரே லியா வில் மூத்தோ ர் படும் பா டு” எனும் ஓரங்க நா டகம்,
பா டல்கள், கதா கா லட்சே பம், சிற்றுரை என பல்சுவை நி கழ்சிகள் சிறப்பா க இடம்பெ ற்றன. திரு ஆ. சிவதொ ண்டன் தம்பதிகள் மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு
அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். Men’s Day was celebrated with two dramas, songs and various interesting programmes. Please click HERE
( to view the photo album. Mr A & Dr (Mrs) D. Sivathondan hosted the lunch.
To watch video Part I – Click Here ( For Part II – Click Here (
02 – Thursday – அங்கத்தினர் ஒன்றுகூடலும் திரு வீ. குனரத்தினம் தம்பதிகளி ன் திருமணத்தின் அறுபதா ம் ஆண்டு நி றை வு கொ ண்டா ட்டட் மும் இடம் பெ ற்றது.
தம்பதிகளை வா ழ்த்தி உரை களும் பா டல்களும் இடம்பெ ற்றன. தம்பதிகள் அங்கத்தினருக்கு மதியபோ சன விருந்தளி த்தனர்.ர் In the Member’s Get-together, Mr
& Mrs V Gunaratnam celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary and hosted the lunch. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album - – Thursday – தமிழ் நா ட்டிட் லிருந்து வருகை தந்திருந்த பிரபல மே டை ப் பே ச்சாச் சாளர் மதுரை திருமிகு மு. சிதம்பரபா ரதி அவர்கர் ள் “தமிழர் அறம்’ எனும்
தலை ப்பில் சொ ற்பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர்.ர் jதிரு சி. சிவசூரியர் மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்.ர்Mr. M. Sithamparabharathy, Famous Orator from
Madurai, Tamilnadu delivered a speech on “Thamilar Aram”. Mr. C. Sivasooriyar hosted the lunch. Please click Here ( to view the photo
23 – Thursday -இன்று நடை பெ ற்ற
ஓவியம் மற்றும் கை ப்பணிப் பொ ருட் கண்கா ட்சிட் யில் எமது அங்கத்தினரின் கலை த்திறன்களை வெ ளி க்கொக் கொ ணரும் வகை யில் ஓவியங்களும் பின்னல்
வே லை களும் கண்ணுக்கும் கருத்துத் க்கும் விருந்தா க அமை யும் வகை யில் கா ச்சிச் யில் வை க்கப்பட்டிட் ருந்தன.
Exhibits were displayed at the Painting and Arts & Crafts Exhibition showcasing the talents of our members. Please click Here ( to view
the photo album..
30 – Thursday – 18 அங்கத்தினர் இசை யும் கலை யும் நி கழ்ச்சிச் யில் பங்குபற்றி தத்துத் வ பா டல்கள் பா டி சிறப்பித்தனர்.ர் திரு சிவா பசுபதி அவர்கர் ள் தமது
பிறந்தநா ளை க் கொ ண்டா டி மதியபோ சன விருந்தளி த்துத் மகிழ்வித்தா ர்.ர்18 members participated in the “Isaiyum Kalaiyum” programme and sang philosophical
songs. Please click here to view the photo album. (
13 Thursday Dr. சித்திரா ஹரிநே சன் அவர்கர் ள் “எலும்பின் ஆரோ க்கியம்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் Dr Chithra Harinesan delivered a speech on “Bone
Health” which was well received by the audience. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album.
27- Thursday A Review Meeting on the activities of TSCA and BESOC was held in which the present status of the two organizations were well explained and clarifications were given for
questions from the audience. Please clickHERE ( to view the photo album.
கடந்த ஆண்டில் TSCA மற்றும் BENSOC ஆகியவற்றின் செ யல்பா டுகள் குறித்த ஆய்வுக் கூட் டமொ ன்று இடம்பெ ற்றது. இக் கூட் டத்தில் இரு
அமை ப்புகளி னதும் தற்போ தை ய நி லை குறித்த விளக்கமும் கே ள்விகளுக்கு விடை யும் வழங்கப்பட் டன.
2 ( – Thursday
தமிழ் மூத்த பிரசை கள் சங்கத்தின் இருபத்தே ழா வது வ ருடா ந்தப் பொ துக்கூட்டட் ம் பெ ண்டில் ஹில் யா ழ் பங்ஷன் செ ன்ரறில் நடை பெ ற்றது. அந் நி கழ்வில்
எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண கீழே உள்ள படத்தினி ல் ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும்.
The 27th AGM of the TSCA was held at “Yarl Function Centre”, Pendle Hill. Please click on the picture below to view the photo album.
Thursday 18 – அன்று சரஸ்வதி பூசை யை பக்திபூர்வர் மா க வெ கு விமரிசை யா க கொ ண்டா டினோ ம். நடை பெ ற்ற நி கழ்வுகளி ன் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க்
கா ண இங்கு ( ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும்.
Saraswathy Pooja was celebrated with devotion. Please click above to view the photo album.
Thursday 25 – Dr.(Mrs) மஞ்சு ராஜரட்ணட் ம் அவர்கர் ள் “மனத்தின் சக்தி” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை நி கழ்த்தினா ர்.ர் அன்றை ய தின மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திருமதி சீதா
இராமநா தன் அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். இந்நி கழ்வில் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண கீழே உள்ள HERE என்ற சொ ல்லில் கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Dr(Mrs)Manju Rajaratnam spoke on “Power of Mind”. Mrs Seetha Ramanathan hosted the lunch in memory of her husband late Col. V. Ramanathan. To view the photo album please
click HERE (
Thursday 8. – தீபா வளி க் கொ ண்டா ட்டட் ம் – சிறப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் பண்டிகை யில் இசை விருந்துடன் முனை வர் சந்திரிகா சுப்ரமணியன்
அவர்கர் ளி ன் தீபா வளி பற்றிய சிறப்பு சொ ற்பொ ழிவும் இடம்பெ ற்றன. “Deepavali” was celebrated with music recitals and a speech by Dr Chandrika Subrmanian on the
festival. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album
.Thursday 22 – கம்பன் கழகத்தை ச் சா ர்ந்ர் ந்த திருமதி மதுராந்தகி வை த்திலிங்கம் அவர்கர் ள் “இலக்கிய நா யகன் கோ வலன் ஆணா திக்கத்தின் வெ ளி ப்பா டா ?
” எனும் தலை ப்பில் சொ ற்பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர்.ர் .kamban Mrs Mathuranthaki Vythilingam spoke on “Silappathikaaram” . Please click.HERE
( to view the photo album.
Thursday 6 – டிகை வெ கு சிறுப்பா க கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து. இன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண lகீலே ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும். Christmas was
celebrated on a grand scale with Carol songs and the Christmas message was delivered by Rev. G. Nadarajah. Please click HERE ( to
view the Photo Album.
Thursday 5 Dr. Arjuna Sivananthan spoke on “New Challenges faced by the Tamil Community”View Album (
Thursday 19 Thai Pongal .
- Sydney Murugan Sivachariyar Bala Indra Kurukkal spoke on “Tamils and Pongal”
Dr. Kasipillai Rupamoorthy introduced his book “Muthal Vanakkam Engal Muruganukke”View Album (
Saturday 21 Excursion to Nelson BayView Album (
Thursday 16 மறவன்புலவு க. சச்சிச் தா னந்தம் அவர்கர் ள்” அவுஸ்திரே லிய பூர்வீர் கக்குடிகள்”எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை நி கழ்த்தினா ர்.ர்View Album
Thursday 23 – பிரபல சட்டட் ட்த்ட் த் ரணி திரு பகவதா ஸ் ஸ்ரீஸ்கந்ததா ஸ் அவர்கர் ள் “கண்ணதா சன்எடுத்ததை த்தொத் தொ டுப்பா ன்நன்றா ய்”
எனும் தலை ப்பில் சொ ற்பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர்.ர் View Album ( View in video Part I (
Bn3QwW48) View in video Part II (
Thursday 25 – எம் அங்கத்தினர் ” மஜிஸ்ரிக்குறூயிஸ்” கப்பலில் சிட்னிட் னி துறை முகத்தில் சுற்றுலா செ ன்றனர் View Album
Thursday 9 கனடா விலிருந்து வருகை தந்த செ ல்வி கீத்தியா வர்மர் ன் அவர்கர் ள் தமதினி ய குரலில் சிலபா டல்களை பா டி எம்மை மகிழ்வித்தா ர்.ர்
View Album (
Thursday 16 – இவ்வா ண்டுக்கா ன வெ ளி க்கள விளை யா ட்டுட் ப் போ ட்டிட் கள் மோ சமா ன கா ல நி லை கா ரணமா க சன சமூக நி லை ய மண்டபத்திற்குள்ளே யே
வெ ற்றிகரமா க நடா த்தப்பட்டட் ன.View album (
Thursday 23 – விருது வழங்கும் வை பவத்தில் கவுன்சிலர் ராஜ்டற்றா , மற்றும் பா . உ . ஜோ டி மகே ஆகியோ ர் விருந்தினர்கர் ளா க பங்குபற்றி போ ட்டிட் களி ல்
வெ ற்றியீட்டிட் யோ ருக்கு விருதுகளை யும் பரிசில்களை யும் வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். திரு நவரதினவே ல் தன் பிறந்தநா ளை கொ ண்டா டி மதியபோ சனத்துத் க்கு
அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் View Album (
Thursday 30 – தமிழ் மூத்த பிரசை கள் சங்க நலன்புரிச் சங்கத்தின் வருடா ந்தப் பொ துக்கூட்டட் ம் நடை பெ ற்று வரும் நி தி ஆண்டுக்கா ன அறங்கா வலர் குழு தே ர்வுர்
செ ய்யப்பட்டட் து.View album (
Thursday 06 – எமது சங்க உறுப்பினர்கர் ளா ன திரு. வீ. எஸ். கணே ஷன் அவர்கர் ள் “நா ன் கா ணும் பா ரதி” எனும் தலை ப்பிலும், திரு. ஆ. சந்திரவர் அவர்கர் ள் “பரதன்”
எனும் தலை ப்பிலும் உரை யா ற்றினர்.ர் View Album (
Thursday 13 – ஒத்திவை க்கப்பட்டட் துடுப்பா ட்டட் ப்போ ட்டிட் யும் அதில் வெ ன்றோ ருக்கா ன விருது வழங்கலும் வெ கு சிறப்பா க இடம்பெ ற்றன. தலை வி திருமதி
பத்மா தங்கராஜா அவர்கர் ள் விருதுகளை வழங்கினா ர்.ர் View Album (
Thursday 20 – இலங்கை இராமகிருஷ்ண மிஷனை ச் சா ர்ந்ர் ந்த சுவா மி சர்வர் ரூபா னந்தா அவர்கர் ள் மூத்தோ ர் நல்வா ழ்வுக்கா ன அருளுரை
வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். View Album ( Speech by Swami Sarvarupananda View Video (
v=s1EEkzJXWJQ) Speech by Mr. RadhakrishnanVideo (
Thursday 27 – தெ ல்லிப்பளை துர்கார் கா தே வஸ்தா ன தலை வர் செ ஞ்சொ ற்செ ல்வர் கலா நி தி ஆறுதிருமுருகன் அவர்கர் ள் “தமிழ் இன்பத் தமிழ் ” எனும்
தலை ப்பில் சொ ற்பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர்.ர் திரு R. மா ணிக்கராஜா , திரு. சா ள்ஸ் டிக்கின்ஸ், திரு. நி கலஸ் இராசநா யகம் ஆகியோ ர் மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு
அனுசரணை வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். View Album (
Thursday 04 – மகளி ர் தினம் –, இரு நா டகங்கள், பா டல்கள், மற்றும் நடனம் என பல்சுவை நி கழ்சிகள் இடம்பெ ற்று எல்லோ ரை யும் ரசித்துத் மகிழவை த்தது.-
Click here to view Album ( Click here for Video Part I ( Click here for Video Part
II (
Thursday 18 – STARTTS எனும் அமை ப்பை ச் சா ர்ந்ர் ந்த திருமதி சுபத்ரா வே லா யுதன் அவர்கர் ளும் திருமதி சூ அவர்கர் ளும் “கலா ச்சாச் சார மா ற்றத்தில் முதியோ ர்”ர்
எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினர்.ர் திருமதி றீற்றா சத்தியமூர்த்ர் த்தி அவர்கர் ளும் திருமதி ரா ணி விஜயரத்தினம் அவர்கர் ளும் மதிய உணவுக்கு
ஆதரவளி த்தா ர்கர் ள். Click here to view album (
Thursday 25 – ” செ ன்ரலிங்க்” ஐச்சாச் சார்ந்ர் ந்த ஸ்ரீமதி றபியா சா ரூக் அவர்கர் ள் “அவுஸ்திரே லிய அரசினரால் மூத்தோ ருக்கு வழங்கப்படும் கொ டுப்பனவுகள் பற்றி
விளக்கவுரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் திரு எஸ். கருணா லயன் அவர்கர் ளும் திரு கே . இரத்தினகுமா ர் அவர்கர் ளும் மதிய உணவுக்கு ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். Click here
to view Album (
01.06.17 – இன்றை ய ஒன்றுகூடலின்போ து ‘Bridge’ விளை யா டும் குழுவினர் தமது சகா வா ன அமரர் திரு S.S. தர்மர் பா லன் அவர்கர் ளது நி னை வா க மதிய
போ சனத்துத் க்கு ஆதரவளி த்தனர்.ர்Cli ( here for photo album (
04.06.17 – ” ஹன்ரர் வலி” (Hunter Valley) மற்றும் ஹரே ராமா ஹரே கிருஷ்ணா பண்ணை யும் ஆலயமும் ஆகிய இடங்களுக்கு சுற்றுலா செ ன்றோ ம். Click
here to view Album. (
15.06.17 – இன்று சிட்னிட் னி கீழை த்தே ய மற்றும் மே லை த்தே ய சோ திட சங்கத் தலை வர் திரு. பீ. பஞ்சா ட்சட் ரம் அவர்கர் ள் “நட்சட் த்திர அசை வுகளும் வியா ழ
மா ற்றமும்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர் Click here for ( photo album
22.06.17 – ” பா டுவோ ர் பா டலா ம்” எனும் வே டிக்கை வினோ த நி கழ்ச்சிச் யை கலா நி தி இரா. இராஜயோ கன் அவர்கர் ள் ரசிக்கக் கூடிய வகை யிலே
தொ குத்துத் வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள். மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு திரு. கே . தங்கராஜா அவர்கர் ளும் திரு வீ.எம். தே வராஜன் அவர்கர் ளும் ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்கர் ள்.
‘போ ட்டோட் டோ ‘ க்களை பா ர்க்ர் க் இங்கு ( ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும்.
( ( – பே ராசிரியர் ஞா னா குலே ந்திரன் அவர்கர் ள்
“தமிழில் பா டத்துத் ணிந்த தமிழன்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் இசை அரசு எம்.எம். தண்டபா ணிதே சிகர் பற்றி சொ ற்பொ ழிவா ற்றினா ர் . இத்தினத்தில்
எடுக்கப்பட்டட் போ ட்டோட் டோ க்களை பா ர்க்ர் க் இங்கு ( ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும்.
01.07.17 – சனி க்கிழமை ஹோ ம்புஷ் ஆண்கள் பா டசா லை அரங்கத்தில் “பே ரப்பிள்ளை கள் தினம்” இயல் இசை என பல்சுவை நி கழ்ச்சிச் களுடன் வெ கு
சிறப்பா கக் கொ ண்டா டப்பட்டட் து. இந்நி கழ்வில் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை பா ர்த்ர் துத் மகிழ இங்கு ( ‘கிளி க் ‘
செ ய்யவும்..
27.07.17 – “ஆடவர் தினம்” அரங்கம் நி றை ந்த அங்கத்தவர்கர் ளுடன் வெ கு சிறப்பா க நடை பெ ற்றது. அரங்கே ற்றப்பட்டட் இரு நா டகங்களும் பலரும்
பா ராட்டுட் ம் வகை யில் அமை ந்திருந்தது. பா டப்பட்டட் திரை இசை ப்பா டல்களும் ரசிக்கும்படி இருந்தன. Dr. A. கணே சலிங்கம் தம்பதியினர் மதிய உணவுக்கு
ஆதரவு வழங்கினர்.ர் இத்தினத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை பா ர்த்ர் துத் மகிழ இங்கு ( ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும்.
வீடியோ கா ட்சிட் :- ( பாகம் 1 ( பாகம் 2
( பாகம் 3 (
17.08.17 – அவுஸ்திரே லிய கா வல்துறை யை ச் சா ர்ந்ர் ந்த சிரே ஷ்ட போ லீஸ் சா ஜன்ற் கெ லி மக்கிநெ ஸ் (Sgt. Kelly McGuiness) அவர்கர் ள் “சட்டட் ம், ஒழுங்கு மற்றும்
பா துகா ப்பு” பற்றி உரை நி கழ்த்தினா ர்கர் ள். அன்று எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை பா ர்க்ர் க் இங்கு ( கிளி க்
செ ய்யவும்.
24.08.17 – எமது சங்கத்தின் அங்கத்தினரின் ஆக்கத்தினா லா ன ஓவியம் மற்றும் கை ப்பணிப் பொ ருட்கட் ளி ன் கண்கா ட்சிட் இன்று இடம்பெ ற்றபோ து
எடுக்கபட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை பா ர்வைர் வையிட இங்கு ( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 7 – பல் வை த்திய கலா நி தி இளமுருகனா ர் பா ரதி தமது ஐம்பதா வது திருமண நா ளை யும் மனை வி சிறீரங்கே ஸ்வரி அவர்கர் ளி ன்
பிறந்தநா ளை யும் வெ கு விமரிசை யா க கொ ண்டா டி மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கும் ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்.ர் அன்றை ய தினம் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை ப்
பா ர்த்ர் துத் மகிழ இங்கே ( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 21 – பல அங்கத்தவர்கர் ளி ன் பங்களி ப்புடன் “எடுத்துத் ரை த்தல்” நி கழ்வு சிறப்பா க நடை பெ ற்றது. இன்றை ய தினம் திரு. எஸ். வே லுப்பிள்ளை
அவர்கர் ள் தன் பிறந்த நா ளி ன் நி மித்தம் மதிய போ சனத்துத் க்கு ஆதரவு வழங்கினா ர்.ர் இன்று எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை பா ர்த்ர் துத் மகிழ இங்கு
( ‘கிளி க்’ செ ய்யவும்.
Saturday 23 – சங்கத்தின் 26 வது ஆண்டுப் பொ துக்கூட்டட் ம் பெ ண்டில் ஹில்லில் உள்ள யா ழ் பங்ஷன் செ ன்ரரில் நடை பெ ற்றது. இந்நி கழ்வில்
எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி பதிவுகளை ப் பா ர்வைர் வையிட இங்கே ( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 28 – Pooja rituals was performed to pay obeisance to Goddess Saraswathi. The highlights of the celebrations were the talk by Prof. Gnana Kulendran and music recital of
devotional songs by Mrs Kanagambikai Jeganathan. Please click HERE ( to view the photo album
Thursday 19 – A speech by Mrs Karthikayinin Kathirgamanathan and a music recital by Dr Sivarathy Ketheeswaran were the highlights of the Deepavali Celebrations of this year.
ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை ப் பா ர்க்ர் க் இங்கே ( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 26 – Dr. Paran Sithamparakimar gave a talk on “Live long with sickness” . Mr. Paramasamy Panchadcharam and Mrs Sarojini Nalanthuvan hosted the lunch. Dr. பரன்
சிதம்பரகுமா ர் அவர்கர் ள் “நோ யுடன் நீடு வா ழ்தல்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை நி கழ்த்தினா ர்.ர் இத்தினத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை கா ண இங்கே
( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 9 – Vedanta Scholar Shri M.K. Ankajan delivered a discourse on “Forget you age and live your life”.வே தா ந்த வித்தகர் எம்.கே . அங்கஜன் அவர்கர் ள் “வயதை மறந்து
வா ழ்க்கை யை வா ழ்தல்” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை நி கழ்த்தினா ர்.ர் இத்தினத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே
( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 23 – Christmas Carol Services were performed at the Community Centre Hall with a house full of audience and participants. Please click Here
( view the photo album. பங்குகொ ண்டோ ராலும் அங்கத்தவர்கர் ளா லும் மண்டபம் நி றை ந்திருக்க நத்தா ர் ஆராதனை
நி கழ்வு சன சமூக நி லை ய மண்டபத்தில் வெ கு சிறப்பா க இடம்பெ ற்றது. எடுக்கப்பட்டட் ஒளி ப்பதிவுகளை க் கா ண இங்கே
( கிளி க் செ ய்யவும்.
Thursday 30 – “Arts & Music” (இசை யும் கலை யும்) event was performed by 15 members and one member did a “stand up comedy” which were all appeciated by the audience.
Please Click HERE ( to view the Photo Album. அங்கத்தவர்கர் ள்மு தமது கலை மற்றும் இசை த் திறன்களை
வெ ளி க்கொக் கொ ணரும் வகை யில் முதல் முறை யா க “இசை யும் கலை யும்” எனும் நி கழ்வு இடம்பெ ற்றது. இதில் பதினை ந்து அங்கத்தினர் பங்குபற்றி
சிறப்பித்தா ர்கர் ள்.
Saturday 09 – The 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the BENSOC was held at the “Yarl Function Centre”, Pendle Hill on a grand scale. Please click HERE
( to view the album.
Thursday 7 Dr. Arjuna SIVANANTHAN spokeon “Diaspora Tamil Advocacy”, and
Charles RAJENDRAM celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Saturday 9 Excursion to Jervis Bay and Kiama Blow HoleView Album (
Thursday 14 Thai Pongal Celebrations View Album (
Thursday 21 Dr. Chithra Harinesan delivered a talk on “Elders Health”, Capt Pathy’s 100
Birthday was celebrated whilst he was in Trincomalee, Thambipillai Thurairajah
celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday – 28 Member’s Day
Paramasamy Panchadcharam felicitated, Rita Sathiyamoorthy celebrated
her birthday and hosted lunch. View Album
Videos: Talk part 1 ( Talk part 2 ( Arutjothy song by
Saroja Suntheralingam (
Thursday 11
Arumugampillai KUGARAJAN celebrated his 81st birthday and Mr. Cheevaratnam SIVASOORIYAR hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 18 Mrs. Kamala KRISHNAPILLAI hosted lunch in memory of her late husband View Album
Thursday – 25 Member’s Day View Album
Thursday – 3 Subramaniam Karunalayan and Guna Karunalayan hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday – 10 The Bridge playing members hosted lunch in memory of Naganather THANGARAJAH View Album (
Thursday – 17 Games for seniors View Album (
Saturday – 19 Harmony Day View Album (
Thursday – 24 Members’ Day – Cricket, Awards Ceremony and Sangarapillai NAVARATNAVEL
celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday – 31 23rd AGM of the BENSOC View Album (
Thursday – 7 Dr. Nimeshan GEEVASINGA delivered a discourse on Stroke, Dementia and Parkinsons Disease
Mrs. Paranjothy KANDIAH hosted lunch in memory of her late husband V M Kandiah View Album
Thursday – 14 Thamil New Year Celebrations ( View Album
Thursday – 28 Women’s Day View Album ( . View Video of
drama “சிட்னிட் னி நடப்பு ” ( வில்லுப் பா ட்டுட்
Thursday – 5 Malaysia Raguraman on the keyboard and singing View Album (
Thursday – 12 Jesmond Aged Care made a presentation on the care facilities. View Album (
Vallipuram PUVANACHANDRAN celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch
Thursday – 19 மா த்தளை சோ மு அவர்கர் ள் ” சங்க இலக்கியமும் அறிவியலும் ” எனும் தலை ப்பில் உரை யா ற்றினா ர்.ர்
View Album
Thursday – 26 திரு. சுப்பிரமணியம்பொ ன்மயிலை நா தன்அவர்கர் ள் “எனது 7 தசா ப்த இசை ரசனை ” எனும்தலை ப்பில்
இசை இடை யிட்டட் நி கழ்ச்சிச் ஒன்றினை நடா த்தி, அத்துத் டன் மதிய போ சனமும் வழங்கினா ர் View Album (
Saturday 4 Grand Children’s Day 2016 View Album (
Thursday 9 Brahmakumari REKA spoke on “How to control you mind and be happy”View Album (
Thursday 23பா ட்டுட் க்கு பா ட்டுட் View Album ( Watch Video
Thursday 30 Men’s Day and, lunch was hosted by Mahalingam MOHANKUMAR View Album (
Watch Video Part I ( Watch Video Part II (
Watch Video Part III ( ( Watch Video Part IV
Thursday 7 பே ராசிரியர் ஆ.சி. கந்தராஜா – “மரபணுமா ற்றம்” உரை “Genetic Modification” – View Album
Thursday 21 The Australian Bureau of Statistics gave guidelines on filling up the Census 2016 Forms.
Dr{Mrs) Guna Ponnampalam celebrated her birthday and hosted lunch. View Album (
Thursday 28 Member’s Arts and Crafts Exhibition was held. Lunch was hosted by the Arts and Crafts class View Album
Thursday 11 Sebaratnam Vasantharajah spoke on “Peace and Harmony through Devolution of Power” View Album (
Thursday 25 A NSW Police Officer spoke on “Home and Personal Safety” View Album (
Saturday 27 The Association’s 25th Anniversary celebration was held in the Strathfield Town Hall. View Album. (
Part 1 (President and High Commissioner speeches) 41 min (
Part 2 (Vice President, Consulate General, MPs and Councillors) 38 min (
Part 3 (Honoring past Presidents and Wishing poem, Vote of Thanks) 22 min (
Part 4 (Cultural Programs) 38min (
Thursday 22 Review of Activities of the Association and BENSOC View Album (
Saturday 24 Annual General Meeting 2016 View Album (
Thursday 29 Member’s Get Together. Lunch hosted by Padma Thangarajah View Album (
Thursday 6 Saraswathy Pooja View Album (
Thursday 27 Thiru Thirunanthakumar spoke on the “Gift of Reading”.. Lunch was hosted by Mr T & Mrs. M KrishnasamyView Album (
Thursday 3 Deepavali Celebrations 2016 – View Album (
Thursday 10 Shri M.K. Ankajan delivered a discourse on “Sound sense of values to live a retired life”
Thursday 17 Mr. Abdul Jabar spoke on ” Status of Media in the present Tamil Speaking World”
Thursday 24 Dr. Paran Sithamparakumar spoke on ” How to lead a happy life”
Lunch was hosted by Perumynar Arumugam. View Album (
Thursday 1 Dr. Vythialingam SABARATNAM celebrated his 95th birthday and hosted lunch .View Album (
Thursday 15 Christmas Carols Service 2016View Album ( (
Thursday 22 The Asthma Foundation conducted an education session “Live well with asthma”
Dr. N Jayavidhya from Tamil Nadu spoke about Shri Andaal referring to Thiruppaavai
Navaratnam MURUGESU celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 8 Members’ Get Together – Yoga exercises, indoor games, handicraft class and
Charles Rajendram celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 15 Thai Pongal Celebrations in the Community Centre View Album (
Thursday 22 View Album
( Video Bhavagadas (
v=5u7ngRGlRvg& Video Thiru (
Thursday 29 Murugupillai Balakrishnan and Ponnambalam Thambyrajah celebrated their birthday and hosted lunch. View Album
Thursday 5 BK Ganesh Mehalingam delivered a discourse on “Understanding the Secrets to a Happy Life”
Ramalingam Naganathan hosted lunch in memory of his late wife Ramyawathie Naganathan View Album
Thursday 12 Naganather and Padmavathy THANGARAJAH celebrated their birthdays View Album
Thursday 19 Ramapillai and Rita SATHIYAMOORTHY celebrated the birth of their grandchild and
achievement of another grandchild, and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 26 Members’ Day Prof Dr. Kathir Nadanachandran was felicitated on being honoured with the AM. Prof Gnanaa Kulendran introduced her book Music and Dance in the
Thanjavur Big Temple View Album of these two events (
Thursday 5 Mrs. Paranjothy Kandiah hosted lunch in memory of her late husband Vinasithamby Murugesu KANDIAH View Album
Thursday 12 1. Sujan Selven candidate for Prospect spoke about his candidature for the State elections on 28 March 2015
- Lalitha spoke about His Holiness Dr. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji and the Celestial Meditation and Healing Music Concert View Album
Thursday 19 Games in the Airey Park ( Bates St, Homebush, and Sangarapillai Navaratnavel celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album
Saturday 21 BENSOC Necrology Ceremony in the Carrington Church Hall ( 13 Carrington Avenue, Strathfield View Album
( Thursday 26 Soft ball cricket in the Airey Park
( opposite number 8 Bates St, and awards ceremony in the Community Centre ( View Album
Thursday 2 The adjourned AGM of the BENSOC was held in the Community Centre Click here for (/images/docs/bensocagm2014.pdf) Notice, Annual Report
View Album (
and accounts (/images/docs/bensocagm2014.pdf)
Thursday 9 Prof. Ariaratnam Kulendran held a discussion on “Is there a God” View Album
Thursday 16 Tamil New Year celebrations in the Community Centre View Album (
Thursday 30 Womens’ Day and Rama and Seetha celebrated their 57th Wedding Anniversary and hosted lunch
View Album ( View Video – Womens’ Day Presentation Video
( Anniversary Celebration (
Thursday 14 Get Together – Lunch was hosted by Subadra Ramanathan View Album (
Saturday 16 Grandchildrens’ Day in the Carrington Church Hall View Album (
Thursday 21 Breathing and Yoga Execises View Album (
Thursday 28 The Tamil Women’s Group presentation Thiru Arumugam – What Happened to the Sivan Temple at Thondeswaram
Vallipuram PUVANACHANDRAN celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 11 Vaithilingam and Jeyathevi GUNARATNAM celebrated the first birthday of their great grand daughter, and hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 18 1. Kannammah PARAMASIVAM celebrated her birthday and hosted lunch View Album
- Dr. Chandrika Subramanian, solicitor, invited members to attend the introduction of a book she authored
“Thillai Enum Thiruthalam” on Sunday 28 June 2015, 5.00 to 6.00 pm in the Reg Byrne Community Centre, Wentworthville
Thursday 25 – Members’ Day – Paattuku Paattu and Mrs. Nesaladchumy Kandasamy celebrated her birthday and hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 2 Mr.Sivasubramaniam and Mrs. Saroja DHARMAPALAN cebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary and hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 23 – Members’ Day – Members’ Arts and Crafts Exhibition and Mr Moothathamby and Mrs Yogamalar
MAHALINGAM celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary, and hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 30 Songs composed by Somasundara pulavar (Dr Bharathy’s grandfather) were sung by Karthigayini Kathirgamanathan.
Dr Ilamuruganar & Mrs Sri Rangeswary BHARATHY hosted lunch in memory of their parents View Album
Thursday 6 Member’s Get Together View Album (
Thursday 13 Members Get Together – Sangarapillai YOGARAJAH hosted lunch in memory of his late parents View Album
Thursday 20 Member’s Get Together – The Late Elagupillai Vijayaratnam’s family hosted lunch in his memory View Album
Thursday 27 – Members’ Day – Review of activities of the Association and BENSOC
Dr Kathir Nadanachandran a presentation on The Science of Spirituality with focus on Meditation. View Album
( Listen to recording (
Saturday 12 Annual General Meeting held in the Yaarl Function Centre View Album (
Thursday 24 Members’ Day – Radio Announcer and Stage Singer N Raguram, Mr K & Mrs. J THANGA RAJA hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 15 Sathiyawathy Nadarajah celebrated her birthday View Album (
Thursday 22 Members’ Day – Saraswathy Pooja View Album (
Thursday 29 Pathmavathy Arumainayagam hosted lunch in memory of her late husband Sangarapillai Arumainayagam View Album
Thursday 5 Charles Dickens hosted lunch in memory of his late wife Assumpta Rajini Dickens. View Album (
Thursday 12 Deepavali Celebrations, and Sivacolunthu LOGENTHIRAN hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 26 Dr. Chithra Harinesan on “Womens’ Health” .
Sivasampu Suntheralingam and Sarojadevi celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 3 Dr. Vaithialingam SABARATNAM celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch – View Album
Thursday 17 Christmas Carols Service 2015 ( View Album
( View Dance (
Thursday 9 Dr. Arjuna Sivananthan from the UK spoke on ” UK Tamil Diaspora and the Sri Lankan Tamil Cause “
Leslie Canagasingham celebrated his birthday hosting lunch View Album
Saturday 11 Thai Pongal Celebrations in the Homebush Boys High Schoo l View Album
Thursday 16 Nimalarany Rajaratnam spoke on “Rev. Xavier Thaninayagam and his contribution to Tamil” View Album
Thursday 23 Rohit Ralli spoke about Free Legal Advice Click for details (/images/stories/yelc.pdf) ,
Bhavagadas Sriskanthadas View Album
Sivamany Nadarajah celebrated her birthday hosting lunch View Album
Thursday 30 Sing Song, and Charles Rajendram hosted lunch to celebrate his birthday View Album
Thursday 13 N Thangarajah View Album
Mr Naganather & Mrs Padma THANGARAJAH hosted lunch in memory of their late grand daughter Dr. Vyshnavi Janakan
Thursday 20 Ambika Subramaniam celebrates her birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 27 Members Day Mr Thirunanthakumar View Album
Thursday 13 Mr. Vaithilingam Gunaratnam View Album
The late Mr. V M Kandiah’s family hosted lunch in his memory
Thursday 20 Games for Seniors at Airey Park, Bates St, Homebush. S Navaratnavel celebrates his birthday View Album
Saturday 22 BENSOC AGM in the Carrington Church Hall, adjourned to 3 April 2014 Click here for Notice of AGM (/images/docs/bensoc13.pdf)
Thursday 27 Members’ day
9.30 am Soft ball Cricket Match at the Airey Park was not played due to inclement weather, and was postponed sine die
12.00 noon Awards ceremony in the community centre. Lunch hosted by Mr R & Mrs Rita Sathiyamoorthy View Album
Thursday 3 Adjourned AGM of the BENSOC View Album (
(/images/docs/bensoc13.pdf)Click here for Notice of AGM (/images/docs/bensoc13.pdf)
Thursday 10 Mrs. Srilankadevi Uthayakumaran
Nicholas Rajanayagam celebrated his birthday by hosting lunch View Album
Monday 14 9.00 am Abishekam to usher in the New Year in the Sydney Murugan Temple View Album
Thursday 17 Tamil New Year Celebrations in the community centre View Album (
Thursday 24 Womens’ Day. Dr. Saravanamuttu Indrarajah hosted lunch
View Album ( View Video Clip 1
( View Video Clip 2 ( View Write up in Tamil Murasu
Thursday 1 View Album (
Thursday 8 Subra Ponmailainathan – spoke on and Mr and Mrs Ponmailainathan hosted lunch
to celebrate their wedding anniversary View Album
Thursday 15 Prof. Dr Vallipuram Puvanachandran celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch View Album
Saturday 17 Grandchildren’s Day in the Homebush Boys High School View Album
Thursday 22 Associate Professor Dr. Rohan Rajaratnam. Consultant & Interventional Cardiologist delivered a talk on “Matters of the Heart”
Introduction of a book authored by Thevakie Karunagaran View Album
Dr V S Karunagaran celebrated his birhday and hosted lunch
Thursday 29 The Youth Group from C3 Church Toongabbie delivered the Easter Message and hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 5 A Vocal Carnatic Music Concert – Chitra Nagraj and Amirthi Yogeswaran, mirdangam – Branavan View Album
( View Video Clip (
Thursday 12 Community Services and Health Services – spoke about Tamil Carers. Manon Thangiah hosted lunch in memory of her late husband View Album
Thursday 19 Paramasamy Panchadcharam delivered a talk on “Transit of Jupiter and its Predictions” View Album
Thursday 26 Members’ Day – Dr. Sittampalam Ragavan – “Diabetes, Awareness and Management” View Album
Dr. Sarvanamuttu Indrarajah hosted lunch July
Thursday 10 Members’ Get Together.Nesalaladchumy Kandasamy hosted lunch in celebration of her birthday View Album
Thursday 17 Members’ Get Together – The computer Kiosk was introduced View Album (
Thursday 24 Members’ Day – Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Sinniah Velupillai hosted lunch in memory of his son the late Visakeswaran Velupillai View Album
Thursday 31 Members’ Get Together Shashi Naidu, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, spoke on mental health issues for Seniors View Album
Thursday 7 Members’ Get Together. Our member Thiru Arumugam delivered a presentation on a book written by his late father
Mr. Sanmugam Arumugam – “Hundred Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka” View Album
Thursday 14 members’ Get Together View Album (
Thursday 21 Members’ Get Together – Shri Sadguru Sharavanabava spoke on
Life Management Skills in Sprituality View Album
Thursday 28 Members’ Day View Album (
Thursday 4 Members’ Get Together View Album (
Thursday 18 Members’ Get Together – Lunch in memory of our late member Kandiah Param Esvaran hosted by the Bridge Club View Album
Thursday 25 Review of activities of the Association and BENSOC View Album (
Lunch was hosted by the family of the late Mr. S V Mudaliyar in his memory
Saturday 27 The Annual General Meeting was held in the Yaarl Function Centre, Pendle Hill View Album
Thursday 2 Saraswathy Pooja was conducted in the community centre View Album (
Thursday 9 Get Together and photographing of the Committee and Board of Trustees of the BENSOC View Album
Thursday 23 Deepavali Celebrations in the Community Centre View Album (
Thursday 30 Paramasamy Panchadcharam delivered a talk on his Pilgrimage to Mount Kailash, Manssarovar and his Experience View Album
Thursday 13 Shri Angajan delivered a discourse on “The Power of Positive Mental Attitude” View Album
Thursday 20 Meenachi Alagappan, Astrologer spoke on “Pathanjali Rajayogam” View Album
Thursday 27 Dr. Bertram Canagasingham delivered a discourse on “Urological Problems” View Album
Thursday 4 Senior Professor Ulavan M Thangavelu delivered a discourse on “Yoga for a Harmonious Life”
Thursday 18 Christmas Carols Service. Leslie Canagasingham celebrated his birthday and hosted lunch ViewAlbum
September Saturday 29 The Annual General Meeting was held in the Home Bush Boys High SchoolView Album
Thursday 10 Navaraathiri Celebrations ( Album
Saturday 19 Moscow Circus ( Album
Thursday 24 Members’ Day – Deepavali Celebrations View Album (
authkey=CMyRzfuyydq7-QE) . View video clips (
( 31 Talk by Pastor Sam Rajasuriyar View Album
(–eTcqgE) – Angel International School
Thursday 7 Lunch hosted by Charles Dickens in memory of his late wife Rajani
( Album
Thursday 28 Members’ Day – Bendigo Bank Officials spoke, Paramasamy Panchadcharam introduced his book “Kaassi Yaathirai”
Dr. S Thavaseelan on Health for Issues for Seniors,
Indradevi Pathmanathan celebrated her birthday and hosted lunch View Album (
Thursday 12 Logi Mariathasan spoke on her experience in Skydiving for charity in Canada
Mr. M & Mrs. G BALAKRISHNAN, and Mr. Ponnampalam THAMBIRAJAH hosted lunch View Album
Thursday 19 Geethiya Varman from Canada, sang a few songs View Album
Saturday 21 Christmas Carols Service at Carrington Church View Album