
Membership to the Association is open to Permanent Residents/Citizens of Australia over 50 years of age.
To become a member of the Association, please complete the Application Form available below, and submit the application to the Secretary at our meeting place Strathfield Community Centre, 1B Bates Street, Homebush NSW 2140, on THURSDAYS between 10am and 1200 noon. A passport will have to also be shown as proof of PR/Citizenship.
Secretary, TSCA
Mr C. Karunasaladeva
Mobile: 0418 442 674
Address: 4 Brooklyn Street, Strathfield South NSW 2136
Application Form to join the Association as a Member:
Associate Membership is open to Seniors resident in Australia but who are not, under clause 4.3 eligible for membership. The provisions of the Constitution relating to members shall apply to Associate Members but they shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting or hold any office in the Management Committee.
Application Form to join the Association as an Associate Member:

To become a member of BENSOC, please complete the Application Form available below, and submit the application to:
Treasurer, BENSOC
Mr N. Thiru
1 River Street, Strathfield South NSW 2136
Phone: 02 9742 5722
Email: or
Application Form to join the Benevolent Society: