About Us

Welcome to the Tamil Senior Citizens’ Association of New South Wales!

The Tamil Senior Citizens’ Association (TSCA) is one of many Associations in Australia that cater to the welfare of its Senior Citizens, with particular emphasis on the welfare of the Tamil ethnic community. The Association was registered in 1991 and is still successfully operating. Its main objective is to improve the quality of life of its members and promote the language and culture of the Tamils, by undertaking activities of a benevolent nature.

Establishment of the Association

The TSCA was established in 1991, with a membership of just 27 seniors. In 2015, in its twenty fifth year, it has an active membership of over 600 seniors. Membership is open to any citizen or permanent resident of Australia, who is a resident of New South Wales and is of or above a certain age.

Objectives of the Association

The primary objectives of the TSCA are to work in the interest of senior citizens, improve their quality of life, carry out cultural, educational, benevolent, social and recreational activities for their benefit, generate fellowship among seniors and other ethnic groups, and promote the language and culture of the Tamils.

Activities of the Association

The Association creates a supportive and engaging environment for seniors to come together, share experiences, and participate in cultural, educational, social and recreational activities for their benefit.

The members meet every Thursday at the Community Centre in Homebush and participate in indoor games, such as bridge, chess, scrabble and table tennis. During the Seniors’ Week in March, a cricket match and other outdoor games are played, in which other senior groups of other communities and service organisations are also invited to participate. Yoga classes, under the supervision of an experienced Yoga instructor, are conducted regularly. Seniors, who are skilled in painting, knitting, patchwork etc, teach their skills to other seniors. Papers and magazines are provided for reading. Excursions organised by the Association are very popular.

Once a month, specialists in various branches of medicine, experts in various other subjects and departmental employees dealing with matters relating to seniors, address well-attended meetings of seniors.

Many Tamil cultural events and Hindu and Christian religious events are celebrated. Some members make regular visits to residents of Nursing Homes and celebrate some occasions with them. The Association also helps migrants in their settlement in a multicultural environment. Pursuant to the objects of the TSCA, the Association jointly with the Auburn Tamil Society, conducted in late 2010, a seminar on inter-religious and inter-racial harmony, followed by a cultural show, in which several other community groups also participated. The Association has contributed substantial amounts to local and foreign charities, particularly in times of grave crisis.

Click below for an outline of the activities organised for all Members of TSCA.

All upcoming events and activities are detailed in our Diary of Events. Please monitor this page regularly for all updates.

Committee of Management

The Association is managed by a Committee of Management which constitutes 14 Committee Members. The Committee is elected every year in the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The current Committee of Management for 2024-2025 is listed below.

President: Mr Arumugam Perumynar
Vice President: Mr Karthigesu Ratnakumar

Secretary: Mr Coomaraswamy Karunasaladeva
Asst. Secretary: Mr Ratnasabapathy Ratnakumar

Treasurer: Mr Sithiravelu Devendra
Asst. Treasurer: Mr Santhirasegaram Chandrapavan

Committee Members:
Mrs Niranjani Naguleswaran
Mr Thambirajah Praphakharan
Mrs Suryakala Sathyasingam
Mr Chelvadoray Shanmugam
Mrs Kamala Sivanandarajasingham
Mrs Padminidevi Thavapalakulasingam
Mr Seenithamby Thirunavukkarasu
Mr Nandapala Thuraisingham


The Tamil Senior Citizens’ Benevolent Society (NSW) Inc:
In 1993, the TSCA established a Benevolent Society, as an affiliate body, which has a current membership of over 650. On the demise of any member, the rest of the members make a fixed contribution to meet the funeral expenses and thus ensure a decent departure of their fellow member. Since its inception, on the demise of 200 members, a total sum of $1,000,000 has been paid out of such contributions.

Tamil Senior Citizens’ Housing Co-operative Ltd:
The Association also established a housing Co-operative. Commencing in 1998, with 7 units, there are now 20 units in two suburbs, for the occupancy of deserving seniors. Due to the pressing needs of many more seniors, efforts are being made to secure assistance for the establishment of more units.

Recognition by the NSW Government and other organisations:
In October 1998, the Council On The Ageing (NSW) awarded the Association a Certificate for Good Practice for forming community networks, establishing a diverse program of activities and playing a supportive welfare role for the wider Tamil Community.

In March 2000, the then President of the Association received the Premier’s Award in recognition of outstanding service to the community and to New South Wales

In March 2011, the NSW Government awarded the Association the Seniors Week Achievement Award for Community Service in recognition of the outstanding service rendered by the Association in diverse fields in the 20 years of its existence.

In 2012 The Benevolent Society received an Achievement Award for outstanding achievement in Community Service