
Details of how to complete payments to the Association (TSCA) and BENSOC are detailed below. Please note that the Association (TSCA) and BENSOC are two separate accounts.


TSCA membership requires an annual subscription of $20 per member, payable by the end of June each year.

How to Pay

There are 3 payment options:

  1. Cheque
    Post a cheque to the Treasurer of the Association, with a note detailing your membership number and name. The Treasurer’s details are as follows:

    Mobile: 0403 098 080
    Address: 68 Railway Street, Wentworthville NSW 2145

  2. Bank Transfer
    Pay at any Commonwealth Bank to the credit of  TSCA, or by electronic transfer to account:  

    BSB & Account No: 06 2256 1017 3352  

    and thereafter forward the bank receipt, with your membership number and name on it, to the Treasurer, for identification of the member. If a receipt is required urgently,  please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

  3. Cash
    Pay at our meeting place Strathfield Community Centre, 1B Bates Street, Homebush  NSW 2140, on THURSDAYS between 10am and 1200 noon.


BENSOC supports members that have deceased with a payment of $4500, once notified by the family. To support this program, a call will be sent out to all existing members, to complete a payment of $12 per deceased member.

How to Pay

There are 4 payment options:

  1. Bank Deposit
    Deposit cash or cheque at any Branch of the Commonwealth Bank, to the credit of:

    Tamil Senior Citizens’ Benevolent Fund
    BSB & Account No:  06 2256 1014 0155
    Reference:  BENSOC Member Number, Last Name  (eg. 123  Nadarajah)

    Once completed, please follow up with a call, email or message with payment details to the Treasurer to ensure correct credit to the Member’s Account.

  2. Electronic Transfer
    Complete an electronic transfer to the above account giving reference details of the member.

  3. Cash/Cheque
    Pay cash or cheque at our meeting place, Strathfield Community Centre, 1B Bates St, Homebush, NSW 2140, on Thursdays between 10AM and 12 Noon.

  4. Post a cheque only, to the Treasurer:

    Mr. N THIRU                                                       
    Phone: 02 9742 5722
    Address: 1 River Street, Strathfield South, NSW 2136                                              

    Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the Society’s receipt; or scanned receipts will be emailed to the email recipients.